Looking for Accountability buddies!!

jordankaybyers Posts: 17 Member
edited March 2017 in Motivation and Support
I am starting on my fitness journey to lose 80lbs!
I'm dedicating myself to clean eating and working out at least 3 days a week.

I want to see your fitness journeys on my dash!! I'm looking for friends who will keep me motivated, and let me motivate them when the going gets tough.

We will push through and hit our goals! Let's do it together! Add me!


  • rochellejoseph3216
    rochellejoseph3216 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey! Doing the same- getting VERY uncomfortable in my own skin, keep telling myself "I really need to lose this weight" but not getting up to do anything about it. Going to start tomorrow and push myself to get up at 6am.. I have a group called 6 am-ers if you want to join too! I will add you to my friends list now- let's do this!! :-)
  • sexyjacky
    sexyjacky Posts: 40 Member
    edited March 2017
  • lindafit4life21
    lindafit4life21 Posts: 71 Member
    Count me in thank you
  • Suueq1027
    Suueq1027 Posts: 5 Member
    I am with you.. I was doing really good eating right, walking I was able to loss almost 40 pounds. After I lost my mom I have gained it all back plus some. So I am back to do it again. I am tired of not fitting into anything and always out of breath. I'm hoping to lose almost 90lbs by my 50th birthday (which is 19 months away). It will be nice to be with others working on the same goal, to be healthy.