Couch to 5K starting July 11 Who wants to do it with me



  • ktcarr82
    ktcarr82 Posts: 18
    I am in. I have always wanted to be able to run but never had the stamina. Maybe starting out this way will help increase my ability to run longer distances without the feeling of passing out =)
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    I'm in! I was just looking through the boards to see if anyone had done it and lo and behold I found myself a whole bunch of people who'll know exactly what I'm going through!
    I'm probably fit enough to skip the first week or two, but don't think I will because I think I need the 'this isn't so bad' boost.
    day 1 run 1 tomorrow morning. fingers crossed.
  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    I'm in.... now I'm off to see if I can talk my sister into it!

    So did you talk her into it?
  • ephes614
    ephes614 Posts: 11 Member
    Wow, I am so glad so many of you are interested in doing this with me. We have a few days before we start (for those of you who havent yet) so make sure you have everything you need. Good running shoes, good music, and will power. I will be posting each weeks running plan here so it will be easy for everyone who wants to follow. Good luck and cant wait to see how everyones first week goes.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Thanks so much for organizing this, Ephes614 :happy: I, too, will be running Sunday, Tuesday & Friday. May run Thursday also just for the hell of it. hehe We'll see! I did a trial run last night... warm up for 5 minutes, run 1 minute, walk 1 minute, run 1 minute, walk 1 minute, run 1 minute, then did cool down for 10 minutes. Oie. It was rough, so HOT outside at 5 o'clock pm! lol
  • SoUnafraid
    I'm in too! I really want to start running without feeling like I'm gonna die after a couple of minutes. I've only done really one day of C25K previously, so it'll be interesting to see how further I can run from start to finish. :smile:
  • thisisit2
    thisisit2 Posts: 3
    I too am interested. I have started this before but never stuck with it. This time, with all of this support, I think it wil work.
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    for those of you with iPhones, I really reccommend the iPhone app. I got the alex stankovic version, It's only a few dollars, and it tells you what to do for each run, gives you audio cues over your music telling you to walk and run, and let's you enter how you felt etc after. Really helped me to just go without having to think about timing myself etc.

    Day 1 run 1. Definately manageable.
  • dford5
    dford5 Posts: 92 Member
    OK, instead of doing the week 1 program, I skipped to week 3 since I feel that I'm fit enough. I used the treadmill since I find it easier on my body than running outside. This was my plan:

    1) Walk at 3.5: 0:00-5:00
    2) Jog at 5.0: 5:00-6:30
    3) Walk at 4.0: 6:30-8:00
    4) Jog at 5.0: 8:00-11:00
    5) Walk at 4.0: 11:00-14:00
    6) Jog at 5.0: 14:00-15:30
    7) Walk at 4.0: 15:30-17:00
    8) Jog at 5.0: 17:00-20:00
    9) Walk at 4.0: 20:00-23:00
    10) Walk at 3.5: 23:00-30:00

    Wasn't too bad. :smile:

    Wow, your walk, is pretty much my jog. Well I can get up to 4.5, but I have short legs so they don't go as far :laugh:

    :laugh: How tall are you? I'm 5'5"
    CRUISINLOSER Posts: 22 Member
    I am in also, I am a fan of this program on facebook for awhile and have been wanting to start! Hopefully everyones support will be that extra help to get me going on it!
  • angelajiniel
    angelajiniel Posts: 115
    I'm in. Starting over for the second time. I never could quite finish it. I need to make it a priority, and stop whining about the heat!

    About the iphone app, does that work with the Nike+ too, or can they not run simultaneously? Thanks.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I am actually in week 2... I am also pushing myself to do it everyday since I think I could run further.

    There is an app for the droid also. If I do it outside I use that over top of pandora radio. It will play the loud beeps when its time to switch from jogging to walking and such.

    Good luck everyone!
  • MCH7912
    MCH7912 Posts: 13
    I am in! I was just talking to a friend who wanted to start training for a marathon. I am not a runner by nature, so this will be great way to start!
  • ephes614
    ephes614 Posts: 11 Member
    If you are starting with me today here is your first weekes running plan. Dont forget, post your results, lets us know how you did.

    Brisk five-minute warmup walk.
    Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging
    90 seconds of walking
    for a total of 20 minutes.

    Good luck and Have fun
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I'm already on another thread, and I start week 7 tomorrow, but I just wanted to tell you all WAY TO GO on starting this plan!! It is a great way to do so much!! Walk faster, jog in general, better health in general, calorie burner, oh how I could go on!!! When I first started, I read tons of those 'If I can do it, so can you' from lots of people, and I thought, "yeah, right!! They don't know me! I walk, I get side pains! How the heck I'm I suppose to run for 90 sec? Or 8min?!" But I started, and kept on everyweek. Some days were rough, others a breeze, but you know what..I HAVE NOT HAD A N Y PAINS!!! This plan really does help!!! My MIL started it this week and we are running the Race for the Cure in St Louis, MO next year!! Kudos to you all for starting this!! I wish you all nothing but success!!!! Bru
  • HaleyAlexandra
    If you are starting with me today here is your first weekes running plan. Dont forget, post your results, lets us know how you did.

    Brisk five-minute warmup walk.
    Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging
    90 seconds of walking
    for a total of 20 minutes.

    Good luck and Have fun

    Is the 5 minute warm up included in the 20 min?? or is it 5 min warmup + 20 minutes?
  • ephes614
    ephes614 Posts: 11 Member
    It is 5 minutes... then 20 minutes... then 5 for a total of 30 minutes
  • ephes614
    ephes614 Posts: 11 Member
    Okay every, how did you do? This was my first day and it wasnt terrible. I didnt fall over panting.... we walked to a track... so our warm up was 10 minutes... then we did our 20 min.. then we walked back which was 10 min... At the end i thought... hmm... maybe i should have pushed harder cause i wasnt as tired as i thought i was.... So tuesday i think i will try to pick it up a little..... I also went to the dog park with my puppy so i got tons of exercise.... I am waitng to get a tracker sadly so i dont know how far i went but i didnt want to put it off cause i was sure i wouldnt have started. ....

    Thanks Guys...
    Good luck cant wait to see how you did...
  • TaraArriola
    Okay. I just got back from doing mine and I can actually say I am a couch potatoe. I couldn't do the jogging just yet, it hurt to bad; however, I did the full walk time with my lab. We walked down to blockbuster to turn in movies and walked back.

    I am probably going to end up doing week one at least twice just to get to the jogging part. I am wondering how and when I got so out of shape. This sucks. But I am in this for the long haul.
  • ephes614
    ephes614 Posts: 11 Member
    Okay. I just got back from doing mine and I can actually say I am a couch potatoe. I couldn't do the jogging just yet, it hurt to bad; however, I did the full walk time with my lab. We walked down to blockbuster to turn in movies and walked back.

    I am probably going to end up doing week one at least twice just to get to the jogging part. I am wondering how and when I got so out of shape. This sucks. But I am in this for the long haul.

    Good job... at least you didnt give up... that is the main thing... i am proud of you.... keep up the good work... :)