Going dairy free, need help!



  • agdyl
    agdyl Posts: 246 Member
    i went dairy free for about 3 years, about 10 years ago.

    I just went dairy free - i didn't look for substitutes etc. I focused on chickens, meat, turkey, beans and vegetables.

    I'm not a fan of "fake" cheese, toffuti "ice cream", dairy free "cheese cake" and so on - so i just didn't try those

    so just focus on embracing this "new way of living"

    This is my method too. I have unsweetened almond milk in the house for rare occasions where I need something like that, but I seriously use like one little container every 3 months or so.

    Most things you can just skip the cheese or milk (or sub with water), but if it just has to have it for a recipe to make sense, I just don't bother making/eating it.
  • PheonixRizing
    PheonixRizing Posts: 131 Member
    I am not dairy free as some dairy products bother me since having gastric bypass surgery and some don't, and also being an on again off again vegan that used to work for Wholefoods I have picked up many, many tricks.

    Almond milk, hemp milk, oat milk, and coconut milks are all good substitutes for milk.

    For eggs: you can buy substitutes for baking i stick to 1:3 T ratio of ground flax and water. For eating: tofu mashed up sprinkle a little turmeric for egg-like color, nutritional yeast and preferred seasonings and add some veggies and you have yourself a tofu scramble, Amy's also makes a tofu scramble available at wholefoods frozen section

    Other baking alternatives to egg: Applesauce and pureed pumpkin. You just need a binder and these two fit the bill. Just google the amounts cause they vary also keeping in mind that pumpkin will flavor it pumpkiny. With applesauce you can't taste it at all.

    Nutrition yeast can be used to replace cheese. You can find a mecca of recipes for cheese sauces using this ingredient. There aren't really any good products on the market for sliced cheese replacements, I've tried most of them and nothing really is as good. I would just forgo it altogether.

    I try to stay away from soy but indulge once in awhile. Soy as it goes through processing isn't very nutritional by the end of it.

    There is a lot of information via the web, use google. Here are a few of my go to sites


    Good luck.