I gained weight :(

So, last night I binged (had a horrible day) and had an entire box of somoas, and some other cookies and jelly beans.... oops.... and I knew I was already retaining more water than usual, likely because I just started strength training again and am still in that annoying 'my muscles are retaining water' phase. I weighed in this morning, and gained 2lbs.


Today is a new day, and a better day and I know the 2lbs is likely water weight. I know I did not consume an extra 6000cal, so it's likely not fat, unless Somoas have really gone up in calories.

To those of you struggling, this is normal. It is absolutely 100% normal. You're not going to lose every day, some days you're going to have bad days. Just pick yourself up and do better tomorrow. Don't allow the binges to become a habit and remember every day is a new day.


  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,345 Member
    I like how you went with this post, that's the way to think of it.
  • onward1
    onward1 Posts: 386 Member
    It's been snowing here for the last 2 days, perfect baking weather. I went on a donut making binge, kids loved it, neighbors, friends, they all got samples. Even made cream puffs with maple cream on top. It was research and development for our maple business, at least that's what I was telling myself, lol. I'm done, thanks for your post. I'm back on track and no, I won't get on the scale for a few days, even though I know I couldn't gain all the weight I'd lost on a 2 day binge. Yep, new day, and as I write this I see the sun trying to make it through the still falling snow. Onward friends!
  • wellthenwhat
    wellthenwhat Posts: 526 Member
    YES!!! I did a horrible job this weekend. It's ok to fall. To not make it. To not be good enough. To fail. All people who succeed do these things many times. You give yourself a hug, tell yourself how awesome you are, and get back up and keep climbing.