Join Me on this 30 Day Challenge



  • kittycat1116
    kittycat1116 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in! The soda will be the hardest for me! Im re-starting this workout journey today and I need a plan and this sounds perfect!
  • laquanawilder
    laquanawilder Posts: 3 Member
    Yes I'm in..... Planks will be hard for me but I'm ready
  • violetsue1
    violetsue1 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes, I'd like to join!
  • Marydeibler
    Marydeibler Posts: 3 Member
    This sounds doable! Great way for me to start back up!
  • 4reshsince83
    4reshsince83 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes im in!
  • kittycat1116
    kittycat1116 Posts: 17 Member
    How's everyone been doing on this challenge?? I'm only on day 3 and I'm finding the planks are the hardest for me to remember.
  • SydniRease
    SydniRease Posts: 11 Member
    The hardest for me is the NO SODA.. I need to stop drinking so much of it that is why I took on the challenge.

  • rainymorning84
    rainymorning84 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm good on the no soda, I found that flavored water is just as good.
    I'm trying to drink a liter a day some days are harder than others.
    I'm horable at the planks and squats, why I don't know.
    I do try to at least jog in place for 5-10 mins a day.
    I do try and get works outs in.

  • rainymorning84
    rainymorning84 Posts: 13 Member
    I have a really hard time when home on Sundays with the kids. We like to eat popcorn pizza and crackers candy hand have family time ( play a game or watch a movie)
  • kittycat1116
    kittycat1116 Posts: 17 Member
    I have a really hard time when home on Sundays with the kids. We like to eat popcorn pizza and crackers candy hand have family time ( play a game or watch a movie)

    I have a harder time too when my kids are home too. But for me it's getting in my workout.