Sweating for the wedding! Anyone else?

JennaSeaBeee Posts: 4 Member
edited March 2017 in Introduce Yourself
I am a 23 year old mother of 3year old boy/girl fraturnal twins, and step mother of a 2 year old little girl, a 10 year old girl, and an 8 year old boy. I watch another set of 5 year old boys on the weekends, so on most days I run around with my head cut off.
I always make sure the kids are happy and healthy and eating right and thriving, and I kinda took and step back and realized I was letting myself go...
Living on sugary coffee drinks 2 meals out of the day and binge eating late at night while all the kids were Asleep.
Pizza rolls. My mortal enemy.
I was 167 when I got pregnant with the twins and I went down to 135 after they were born and it was the best I had ever felt in my life. I had so much energy and I was a generally happier person. Then everything kind of spun and with the divorce and moving, and now focusing my life on others, I've gained back all the weight I had lost and then some in the past two years. I'm now almost 180 and I feel TERRIBLE.
I'm barely 5'3" and most all my weight is in my thighs and upper arms....i am so uneven.
I joined a gym and I've been counting my calories and going 5-6 days out of the week to the gym, wearing my fitbit, and drinking water like a man woman.
I can't wait to start seeing progress. I'm new to MFP but it's already helped me so much.

I want to be proud of how I look when I'm walking toward my fiancee on our wedding day! The wedding is in 17 months and I'm focused on becoming happier and healther!

Anyone else sweating for their weddings?
I'm going to need support!


  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    Congratulations! Wow, what a lot you have on your plate!

    I have a cautionary tale to tell. One wedding I attended in my 30s featured a young athletic bride who overdid the dieting and exercising leading up to her wedding day such that she-- looking quite slim and lovely-- fainted on the altar.

    My only wish for you is that you make your goal to be as healthy, happy, and relaxed as possible on your wedding day and not focus on weight loss alone.
  • JennaSeaBeee
    JennaSeaBeee Posts: 4 Member
    I'm trying to find a healthy balance now, so that I count my calories but I don't obsess over them. I've been reading a lot of the forums this morning trying to get into a good state of mind. I'm starting zumba tonight figured it would be fun and good for me (: