Short term pain in hamstrings when standing up from sitting at computer

Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
After sitting at computer [with no pain in legs] when I stand up I get intense paid in the upper right leg. Can hardly walk, but after walking very slow for ten feet - it's 90% ok. This has been happening for 6 weeks - I thought I had torn something and it would clear up by itself. It happens also after standing up from a sofa after watching a TV show - but less intense.

Pushing and probing the hamstrings/quads with my fingers - no tender spots.

I work out 45 minutes weights/machines 3 times a week, and walk 4000 to 7000 steps a day, and have no issues with the leg.

I'm still about 35 pounds overweight


  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    It is tight. Sitting shortens the hamstrings. They don't want to relax when you stand up. So stand up & walk around more frequently. Stretch after your workouts and long walks, when the muscles are warmed up.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    ^ Yeah, sounds like DOMs. Happens to me all the time if I'm tight/sore and sit for a long amount of time. Getting up more frequently usually helps it to not be quite as bad.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    Bob314159 wrote: »
    It happens also after standing up from a sofa after watching a TV show - but less intense.

    It's probably less because you're keeping your knees straighter, which stretches the hamstrings. So try sitting at your desk with your knees straighter.. at least a 90 angle. And periodically straighten your legs completely while you sit, to stretch the hams. Post an update next week.

    Which leg exercises are you doing, and how many sets of each?