Anyone tried the fat burners and greens from ItWorks?

Does it work? I'm not a promoter by any means. But I anted to know if these two things worked well. I have a really difficult time eating veggies because most of them are hard and my teeth aren't in the best shape, and cooked veggies are eww to me. Also, I just can't stay away from rice and pasta, I can cut down. But can't cut it out. I'm just not that strong willed.

My friend swears by these two products and the wraps (I've seen the results of wraps on herself so I know those are good after you lose weight) but I'm still on the sidelines for these two. She says it works for her. But she's not big so it's hard to see any true results from her.

Your thoughts?


  • UK92
    UK92 Posts: 53 Member
    They don't work.

    Buy them and waste your money OR don't buy them and save your money. The choice is yours :) .
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    The wraps temporarily change where your body carries water weight. Once you stop buying them, the effect wears off.

    Fat burners aren't a real thing. If there was a pill that could go into your body and burn the fat, everyone would be taking them and doctors would be prescribing them.

    The only way to burn fat is to eat less calories than your body uses. Wish it was easier than that but it's not, sorry.
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    Run as far away from this person and her products as possible! The only thing you will lose is your money, and your friends and family if you get sucked into selling.
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,447 Member
    Run away from this person.
    Try roasted vegetables
    Try smoothies with vegetables
    Try shredded vegitables or spiralized
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Not a very good friend if she's trying to scam you into buying her MLM products. She's using you to increase her sales and is probably required to recruit new suckers - uh I mean sellers - right?
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    ItDoesn'tWork. They're nothing more than another MLM scam. Run away and don't waste your money.
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    OP if vegetables are hard to eat, then just go to your local grocery store and pick up V8 Fusion. They have a "greens" juice, and "orange" juice, etc. No premixing needed and it doesn't cost an arm or leg.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • smahy0504
    smahy0504 Posts: 21 Member
    1) supplements can help "supplement" a healthy lifestyle - they are not intended to replace healthy eating i.e eating a dozen donuts then drinking a greens supplement does not make you a healthy eater
    2) MLM companies are not scams.. are there products that MLM sell that one person may not need? Of course! Do you walk into any store and buy everything? No.. but someone does, and that's why it is on their shelf. If someone wants to say that they are a scam because they are a "pyramid scheme".. educate yourself. Look at the structure of the company you work for and tell me if the CEO makes the same as the entry-level position that busts their *kitten* for minimum wage. Is it for everyone? No, but that doesn't make it a scam.

    As for the products themselves, do you're own research and look at the ingredients to decide whether this is something that would work FOR YOU. You don't like veggies raw or cooked, then yea - a supplement containing veggie nutrients would probably be a great addition to your nutritional routine. Noone says you have to cut out your favourite foods! Work them into your meal plan, and try to keep them earlier in the day :smile:

    Also, V8 drinks are full of sodium & sugars - I personally would not consider them an healthy addition to a healthy lifestyle
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    smahy0504 wrote: »
    1) supplements can help "supplement" a healthy lifestyle - they are not intended to replace healthy eating i.e eating a dozen donuts then drinking a greens supplement does not make you a healthy eater
    2) MLM companies are not scams.. are there products that MLM sell that one person may not need? Of course! Do you walk into any store and buy everything? No.. but someone does, and that's why it is on their shelf. If someone wants to say that they are a scam because they are a "pyramid scheme".. educate yourself. Look at the structure of the company you work for and tell me if the CEO makes the same as the entry-level position that busts their *kitten* for minimum wage. Is it for everyone? No, but that doesn't make it a scam.
    Sorry, but I disagree. People that work for someone else doesn't usually have to PAY their upline to stay to work. The average "distributor", "ambassador", "owner" usually pays and autoship for product or service. It's them who are the real customers and not outside buyers of products and services. Not to mention the pricing on products are WAY OVERPRICED to comparable products on the market. The quality of product and services are also usually sub par by most MLM companies.
    Also, V8 drinks are full of sodium & sugars - I personally would not consider them an healthy addition to a healthy lifestyle
    Full? You mean like personally juicing your own vegetables and fruits would reduce the sugar in them already? NOT.
    As for sodium, eh. Unless one is suffering from hypertension of high blood pressure, it's usually not of great concern. We're talking of 200mgs a serving here on a budget of 2400mgs a day. Not too significant a hit. And if worse comes to worse, drink more water to help offset it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • asilmegan34
    asilmegan34 Posts: 256 Member
    I have tried the wraps and they do NOT work. I tried three and did it exactly as planned and didn't lose a single inch. If I did, it would have been temporary.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    edited March 2017
    smahy0504 wrote: »
    1) supplements can help "supplement" a healthy lifestyle - they are not intended to replace healthy eating i.e eating a dozen donuts then drinking a greens supplement does not make you a healthy eater
    2) MLM companies are not scams.. are there products that MLM sell that one person may not need? Of course! Do you walk into any store and buy everything? No.. but someone does, and that's why it is on their shelf. If someone wants to say that they are a scam because they are a "pyramid scheme".. educate yourself. Look at the structure of the company you work for and tell me if the CEO makes the same as the entry-level position that busts their *kitten* for minimum wage. Is it for everyone? No, but that doesn't make it a scam.

    As for the products themselves, do you're own research and look at the ingredients to decide whether this is something that would work FOR YOU. You don't like veggies raw or cooked, then yea - a supplement containing veggie nutrients would probably be a great addition to your nutritional routine. Noone says you have to cut out your favourite foods! Work them into your meal plan, and try to keep them earlier in the day :smile:

    Also, V8 drinks are full of sodium & sugars - I personally would not consider them an healthy addition to a healthy lifestyle

    MLMs are scams because the salespeople have to buy their way in, and they are lured in based on advertising that says they can make what the top 1% of MLM sales people make. They aren't told about the bottom 50% who end up losing money. And the middle 30% who make just barely enough to cover their expenses. And they are taught far more about how to spam social media and guilt their family and friends into buying and participating than they they are about the products.

    There are some MLM products that aren't scams, but they are overpriced compared to similar products you can buy conventionally because keeping an MLM working takes a lot of overhead, it's not an efficient way to sell a product. And ItWorks best known product is the wrap, which is complete BS since it's sold as eliminating fat when it's really eliminating water, so I feel confident assuming their other products are also BS.

    If you want to take a greens supplement, go to your local store and find one with the ingredients you are looking for, it will be the same thing and less expensive. And fat burners aren't a thing, just drink a cup of coffee for the caffeine jump and use it to get a little more exercise. That's the only way to burn more.
  • AFGP11
    AFGP11 Posts: 142 Member
    No. What workse is CICO. Sorry. You'll notice that It Works salespeople are almost always overweight. If it worked, that would not be the case.
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    I had a pretty sloppy stomach when I initially lost 80lbs a couple years ago.... I tried the wrap (I know I know) to see if it would tighten it up a bit because my stay-at-home-mom friend sold them and was having a party. At least it didn't cost me anything; but I promise you it does not work lol
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    AFGP11 wrote: »
    No. What workse is CICO. Sorry. You'll notice that It Works salespeople are almost always overweight. If it worked, that would not be the case.

    I mean I agree with the cico part, but actually there is a gang of girls that I grew up with that all do It Works, and are very successful and have done it for a long time now. None of them are fat, but none of them have ever been fat. I think this is a main selling point for them. People look at them, and are like wow you look great and take these products, not realizing that they have never looked out of shape. But I agree it is all bull crap, I see them posting a piece of cake on social media with the headline "it's ok because I took my fat burning pills! To get more information no how you can eat like this without a problem message me" and it makes me want to punch somebody through my computer screen.