Struggling to lose last ten pounds

AngeleyesJo Posts: 191 Member
edited March 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
For some reason I'm finding it hard to lose the last ten pounds to my goal weight, I've started to introduce extra exercise to see if it helps but the pounds are proving hard to get rid of, any tips?


  • LessCookiess
    LessCookiess Posts: 538 Member
    edited March 2017
    What are your stats? the less you have to lose the more difficult it is to lose it. As long as you're eating at a deficit you'll lose weight.

    Since you don't have much wiggle room I don't do this, but many people mention ensuring that you're eating at a certain calorie level. If you're not weighing your food you're not going to be sure exactly how much calories you're consuming.
  • AngeleyesJo
    AngeleyesJo Posts: 191 Member
    edited March 2017
    I've been eating 18-1900 calories based on my physically demanding job, but a friend said I might need to lower that to say 1700 and maybe workout separate to work. I'm 5 ft one weight 149 pounds.
  • Selrisitai
    Selrisitai Posts: 3 Member
    If you know you're already eating at a caloric deficit, you will lose weight. The lower weight you are, the less you need to eat to maintain the same weight-loss level. Since you've lost more weight, and you are presumably eating the same number of calories as before, you will be losing at a slower pace.
    If you introduce more exercise, that will definitely put you at an even greater deficit.
  • AngeleyesJo
    AngeleyesJo Posts: 191 Member
    I'm trying to work out about three times a week and considering lowering my calories to 1700, hopefully I can lose something.
  • LessCookiess
    LessCookiess Posts: 538 Member
    edited March 2017
    I'm trying to work out about three times a week and considering lowering my calories to 1700, hopefully I can lose something.
    Do you weigh your food? You could be eating more than you think if you're not. People mention doing this to help tighten the numbers.
    Also please keep in mind weight does tend to fluctuate. If you're eating food that is a bit higher in sodium this could also be the culprit. I would recommend entering your information into MyFitnessPal pal and eating at the calorie goal they recommended. Also if you're going to be working out at least eat back half of your calories.

    But yeah my weighing food question still stands.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    How long have you been trying to lose these pesky last 10 pounds?
  • AngeleyesJo
    AngeleyesJo Posts: 191 Member
    I weigh my food where it is practically possible
    Been trying to lose these for maybe a month or two.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I'm down to my last 4ish pounds, and I'm losing roughly 0.2kgs a week, which i think translates to 0.4lbs??
    This is not linear though, i can go a couple of weeks with no loss or even a gain, and then I'll get a random drop.

    Food logging and weighing needs to be as precise as humanly possible when you're this close to goal weight.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    edited March 2017
    The margin of error gets smaller and smaller as you get leaner and leaner.

    Edited to add: by example, I got some new "crustless quiche" made by Special K. The package said 140 calories for 122 grams, the actual weight of one quiche was 155 grams. The bites, licks and sips all add up.
  • jdog022
    jdog022 Posts: 693 Member
    I weigh my food where it is practically possible
    Been trying to lose these for maybe a month or two.

    how often do you wieght yourself? At this point I recommend a daily wieght in under same conditions and take a weekly average. You could just happen to be weighing on "heavier" days by chance. (sodium, TOM). This would be especially more accurate to gauge progress if your "month or two" was a month vs two.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    jdog022 wrote: »
    I weigh my food where it is practically possible
    Been trying to lose these for maybe a month or two.

    how often do you wieght yourself? At this point I recommend a daily wieght in under same conditions and take a weekly average. You could just happen to be weighing on "heavier" days by chance. (sodium, TOM). This would be especially more accurate to gauge progress if your "month or two" was a month vs two.

    I agree,I use Trendweight .

    There's phone apps too,

    Libra - Android
    Happy scale - i-phone

  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I'm 5'2.5" and weigh 125. I am trying to lose a maybe 5 more lbs and it is hard. But I went from the 140s to the 130s quite easily. I'm guessing that at your height 1800-1900 could be too much for weight loss, depending on your activity level. I maintain my weight at 1700 a day. To lose at a slow pace, I eat 1450. Play around with calories to see what a good number is for you. But if you haven't lost weight in a month or two, then you're eating at maintenance which means you may need to decrease 250 calories a day to lose a half pound per week.
  • AngeleyesJo
    AngeleyesJo Posts: 191 Member
    jdog022 wrote: »
    I weigh my food where it is practically possible
    Been trying to lose these for maybe a month or two.

    how often do you wieght yourself? At this point I recommend a daily wieght in under same conditions and take a weekly average. You could just happen to be weighing on "heavier" days by chance. (sodium, TOM). This would be especially more accurate to gauge progress if your "month or two" was a month vs two.

    I weigh myself once a week
  • AngeleyesJo
    AngeleyesJo Posts: 191 Member
    I'm 5'2.5" and weigh 125. I am trying to lose a maybe 5 more lbs and it is hard. But I went from the 140s to the 130s quite easily. I'm guessing that at your height 1800-1900 could be too much for weight loss, depending on your activity level. I maintain my weight at 1700 a day. To lose at a slow pace, I eat 1450. Play around with calories to see what a good number is for you. But if you haven't lost weight in a month or two, then you're eating at maintenance which means you may need to decrease 250 calories a day to lose a half pound per week.

    I may well have to drop.calories a bit, I calculated I should have 1750?