Need some support!

vhausch001 Posts: 2 Member
edited March 2017 in Introduce Yourself
I've been on MFP for awhile, and I just seem stuck in this cycle of starting and stopping. I have some friends on here that I see regularly (we all added this at the same time and we're supposed to be accountabilibuddies) but none of them are very motivated or committed!

A little about me: I just turned 30..ew. I'm a mother of a 6 year old. My happy weight would be 140, I'm currently closer to 170. Im the manager of the local Dairy Queen, which only adds to my temptation and struggle lol. Right now my biggest obstacles are doing cardio regularly and my sugar addiction.


  • BrutusBeefcake2017
    BrutusBeefcake2017 Posts: 7 Member
    You might give the ketogenic diet a try. I had a definite addiction to carbs, and all the cravings have been eliminated since I started keto. Good luck.
  • reulenfeld7
    reulenfeld7 Posts: 8 Member
    The temptation and the struggle is real, it's really good to find friends and support on here and keep each other motivated and focused!! Add as friend :)
  • xSydney_Raynex
    xSydney_Raynex Posts: 30 Member
    Feel free to add me if you want! I am currently at 185 and would be happy at around 140 as well. :) So somewhat similar goals. and I could sure use some added accountability too lol.
  • southernoregongrape
    southernoregongrape Posts: 117 Member
    I'm new here also. If you would like, we could be accountable buddies. I'm much older than you but I'm very non-judgemental.