I run because I need to and I hate it



  • anna32aries
    anna32aries Posts: 52 Member
    I don't enjoy running and I wish I did. I like the elliptical and spinning for cardio.
  • oocdc2
    oocdc2 Posts: 1,361 Member
    edited March 2017
    I lost all my weight without exercise, and *then* I started running, so there's that.

    I also second those folks who are recommending walk/run mixes to start. I've recommended Robert Ullrey's C25K podcasts before; Google them. He starts you off easy, and they worked for me.

    I would find running boring, too, if I didn't listen to audio books while I ran. If you have a membership to your local library, you may be able to borrow audiobooks and download them to your phone using Overdrive or Hoopla. I'm currently finishing James A. Michener's The_Source, which is a huge 40-hour epic, but I've also listened to Carrie Fisher's Wishful_Drinking and more creamy-white-thigh novels than I care to admit to. Good luck! I hope you find your method.
  • oocdc2
    oocdc2 Posts: 1,361 Member
    lizery wrote: »
    I always hated running.
    This last year I started running in the nature reserve near my house. Trees and rocks and lizards and butterflies and ferns and trees again.

    Now I really enjoy it.

    Thought I'd do a road run to compare distance/time. Still kitten hate that. Exhaust and sun and footpaths and cars. Blerg. jye6jmw7szb6.jpg

    Wow--that's a beautiful trail! Nicely maintained...
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    If you don't like running, find an exercise you DO like.
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    I used to hate running when I wsa overweight. Only took it up after I really wanted to do it for a while and when my weight came down.
    Not hving it as a main excersise but an add on
    My main excersise is and was always walking (longer distances)/hiking - I cycle, do yoga and other cardio stuff now and love love love weights. Used to do a lot of swimming/aquarobics until recurring earinfections stopped that for now

    Just just don't have to run if you don't like it. Find a form of excersise you love and keep doing that
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    You don't have to run. There are many activities out there but whatever you do if you are not used to exercise start slow.
    Maybe walk briskly more before you tackle running.
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    I started running in junior high. I hated it, I was just on the CC team so I could be with my friends. Years afterward I began running while I was in law school. I was already in pretty good shape from other cardio activities, so I enjoyed running and got pretty good at it quickly. Then I quit and got out of shape. When I started running again I hated it, but I remembered how great it felt when I was good at it and when I was setting personal records, so that kept me going. After being consistent I have finally gotten to the point where I like running again. I don't think it's fun for most people when they first start out.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    I like running. But that does not always mean my mind is at peace when I'm running. I most enjoy outdoor, nice weather runs. And I prefer running 5k, 10k events over solo runs. I like to people watch, and I like the charged atmosphere of a race. BUT not all runs can be like that. So I listen to music, focus on my pace, etc. to keep my mind busy when necessary.

    If you truly hate it though, try to find some other activity that you DO enjoy. Biking, swimming, or some sport for example.
    jadebuniel wrote: »
    I'm an obese. 20 yrs old. I've seen people way older than me who runs way more miles than me. I also witnessed the advantage of being a runner. That makes me want to love running. But everytime I run, I always think of doing it because I need to not because I want to. I always think of rest I always check my timer if I already run 2mins. For runners out there, what are your thoughts when you run? I really want to love running heeelp

  • ValleyHooper
    ValleyHooper Posts: 1,993 Member
    I feel ya. I am not a runner and have always hated it. I love going on long distance walks and I will jog at times. I just cannot get into running. I say find an exercise you enjoy doing and have fun with it!!! If you're doing something you hate you are more likely to give up and quit. I highly encourage walking though. It's something that is easy to do, it's free, can do it anywhere, and has so many health benefits to it. I aim for 10,000 plus steps a day. Good luck on your fitness journey!! You've got this!! :)
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Why do you need to run?
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    edited March 2017
    jadebuniel wrote: »
    I'm an obese. 20 yrs old. I've seen people way older than me who runs way more miles than me. I also witnessed the advantage of being a runner. That makes me want to love running. But everytime I run, I always think of doing it because I need to not because I want to. I always think of rest I always check my timer if I already run 2mins. For runners out there, what are your thoughts when you run? I really want to love running heeelp

    I love to run. I seriously crave it. I had a meniscus tear that was repaired this past June, and so far my knee is not liking running yet. :'( Hopefully I will be able to get back to it. I also love music. The two combined, are probably the most exhilarating, stress-beating, feel-good good-for-you activity that I can do, that costs nothing, and takes very little time. It doesn't matter what I start out thinking about, because within a few minutes I am thinking of nothing except moving my legs, and the music. It's completely mind-clearing, for me.

    I don't like carrying my phone with me when running or working out, so I have a small mp3 player that clips onto my sports bra. It's weightless.
  • charlesdphillips3
    charlesdphillips3 Posts: 9 Member
    Try walking...with music you like. That will give you success without some of the suck
  • jms1902
    jms1902 Posts: 6 Member
    I hate running also. Detest it. I do it though (nothing crazy-- 30 minutes of intervals on the treadmill) because it makes me make better food choices throughout the day. I don't want my run to have "gone to waste" by overindulging.
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    When I was obese (and even when I was a sedentary as hell thin person years and years ago) I loathed running because I put zero value into hard PHYSICAL work.

    I started running during my weight loss phase for a change of exercise pace and it ended up changing my life instead. I live with OCD and my mind has never been a quiet place, but when I run it is. My brain is not screaming at me about the back door and the lights and 8000 other things- running has afforded me a window of time where I can feel like everybody else. My mind is nowhere and everywhere. It is freedom.

    If you truly find you hate running though there is no point in torturing yourself- find your exercise bliss. Lots of people who abhor cardio do well with lifting regimes. Other people enjoy the social setting of classes. Running, while amazing, is not requisite to weight loss or health.
  • Running_and_Coffee
    Running_and_Coffee Posts: 811 Member
    I really love running. The endorphins, being outside in nature, listening to my music, not having anyone telling me what to do, the freedom to go further one day just because you feel like it, seeing other people out on the trail, that sense of accomplishment you get after every single run, and every single race, even the bad ones....it's awesome. For me. But if I didn't love it, I wouldn't do it, and you don't have to, either!
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 798 Member
    Someone once told me that the best exercise is the one that you'll do. Best way to ensure you keep doing it? To find something you like;) I don't like running either and I find it harder to fit in my schedule anyway (I have kids that are too big to put in a running stroller and too small to leave home alone & I don't like treadmills), but I do like using my exercise bike at my house & it makes we want to bike outdoors (our city is a lousy place to cycle but that's another story:P).