Losing Weight in your 20s - Looking for friends



  • khers22
    khers22 Posts: 4 Member
    Oh and I'm like 45 pounds from my goal weight but would honestly be happy to lose 20-25
  • madisonm214
    madisonm214 Posts: 38 Member
    ashcky wrote: »
    Everyone is welcome to add me. I'll be turning 25 in May. I'm 5'1 and I've been overweight my whole life. I started at ~215 and I am currently 147.2. I started my journey almost 9 months ago. I would say to start easy. Track your food and get that under control first, and then incorporate exercise. A 5k is totally doable!!!! I had never ran a day in my life and have asthma but I started c25k in AUGUST and ran my first 5k in November. I now run an average of ~12 miles a week. It is possible! You need determination, dedication and patience.

    That is so amazing! Congrats on all you've done so far! I might try that c to 5k! I always have the desire to go for a run, but I'm just too out of shape which is why that's my current goal. Start jogging.
  • dreamAbetterMe
    dreamAbetterMe Posts: 14 Member
    I've just been using a treadmill at the gym but I think when I build up more stamina I will run at the park during summer! That gives me 2 months to prep and not look like death in the face while running in the heat lol anyone else have a problem with their FULL face turning RED? Haha
  • madisonm214
    madisonm214 Posts: 38 Member
    Oh gosh yes! My whole face turns bright red! It's embarrassing honestly. I think it's partially genetic because my moms is the same why. But I've been trying to not be self conscious about that stuff so I don't let it stop me from going to the gym
  • ashcky
    ashcky Posts: 393 Member
    I turn bright red too! My biggest piece of advice with fitness is only to rely on yourself. Workout partners will come and go. You may find you enjoy different things! Set a goal of working out for a week, then add onto it when you reach that goal. Start small and build up.
  • Kelley0519
    Kelley0519 Posts: 254 Member
    Hey - I'm 26 years old. This is my 3rd time losing the same 100 lbs I've lost twice before in the past. I choose to look at the positive in losing this weight again. I've learned more about myself as a person, what triggers my indulging, and how to prevent it from happening. I believe I finally have control this time! I'm down 20 lbs since January 2017 with 80 more pounds to go! Feel free to add me! :smile:
  • madisonm214
    madisonm214 Posts: 38 Member
    ashcky wrote: »
    I turn bright red too! My biggest piece of advice with fitness is only to rely on yourself. Workout partners will come and go. You may find you enjoy different things! Set a goal of working out for a week, then add onto it when you reach that goal. Start small and build up.

    Yeah I can understand that. I just have a hard time going to the gym here on campus by myself because of all the people. Eventually when I have money I want to buy a membership to a 24 hour gym so I can go at times that are good for me but now I have to make due.
  • madisonm214
    madisonm214 Posts: 38 Member
    Kelley0519 wrote: »
    Hey - I'm 26 years old. This is my 3rd time losing the same 100 lbs I've lost twice before in the past. I choose to look at the positive in losing this weight again. I've learned more about myself as a person, what triggers my indulging, and how to prevent it from happening. I believe I finally have control this time! I'm down 20 lbs since January 2017 with 80 more pounds to go! Feel free to add me! :smile:

    I think I really need to put some thought into what triggers my eating. Like i know I stress eat, and I snack while I'm studying, but I need to think so some replacements for that
  • cvalentinad
    cvalentinad Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! My name is Camille--I saw that you are looking for motivational friends, and I am too :)

    I am 24 years old and I am looking to continue my journey towards weight loss. Since high school, I have gained about 50 pounds! I am hoping to lose that plus a little extra, and am looking to build some support from some fitness friends. Feel free to add me so we can do this together!!!
  • dreamAbetterMe
    dreamAbetterMe Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! My name is Camille--I saw that you are looking for motivational friends, and I am too :)

    I am 24 years old and I am looking to continue my journey towards weight loss. Since high school, I have gained about 50 pounds! I am hoping to lose that plus a little extra, and am looking to build some support from some fitness friends. Feel free to add me so we can do this together!!!

    I had the same problem, but I gained 60 pounds since college. So frustrating right?!

    Let's keep each other accountable! Let's get 10,000 steps today!
  • natruallycurious
    natruallycurious Posts: 359 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Kacey, and I would love to add you all as friends as well! I am 22 and really working on getting in shape and being healthy. I'm getting married in Januray, and that is one of the big reasons I want to shed some weight, but more than that I really want to be healthy. My grandma passed away from congestive heart failure in Januray (which I learned is the number one cause of death for women), and shortly after that, I decided I never wanted to have to go through what she went through. I am currently watching my calories in vs calories out to maintain a deficit, and go to the gym about six days a week.

    I feel you ladies who are also in school! That was one of the biggest mental hurdles for me, because it was so easy for me to use school as an excuse to not workout or to eat unhealthy. But I realized if I had time to watch TV everyday, then I had time to go to the gym! Thankfully I am in my last semester. After starting week one of couch to 5k about four different times, I have finally stuck with it and am almost done with week 6 of the program! I won't say I enjoy running, but I do enjoy seeing my progress, as the 60 second runs at the beginning were super difficult for me, and now it has me running 20 minutes! I also really enjoy the Zumba classes and kickboxing classes at my gym!
  • madisonm214
    madisonm214 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi! My name is Camille--I saw that you are looking for motivational friends, and I am too :)

    I am 24 years old and I am looking to continue my journey towards weight loss. Since high school, I have gained about 50 pounds! I am hoping to lose that plus a little extra, and am looking to build some support from some fitness friends. Feel free to add me so we can do this together!!!

    I would love to be fitness friends! I've also put on weight in college - though I've been overweight since long before that. I just want to be happy and healthy and support people who are doing the same thing.
  • madisonm214
    madisonm214 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi Kacey! I'm sorry to hear about your grandma and I can understand where you are coming from. I have a family history of heart disease, including a grandmother who is currently struggling with congestive heart failure. And considering I'm already genetically predisposed to all of that, I don't want to help it out by living an unhealthy and overweight life.

    I'm a pharmacy major, which means lots of hours in labs, lots of homework, and lots of studying. Sometimes I feel guilty not studying when I try to do something like go to the gym. That's why I'm going to try to go in the mornings so I won't be giving up my afternoons in the library or the evenings at my desk getting work done. I would love to do something like kickboxing, but I haven't found anywhere here that offers it yet. I've been looking though! I also think I'm going to buy the couch to 5K app because I've heard good things and I really want to take up running.
  • ashcky
    ashcky Posts: 393 Member

    Yeah I can understand that. I just have a hard time going to the gym here on campus by myself because of all the people. Eventually when I have money I want to buy a membership to a 24 hour gym so I can go at times that are good for me but now I have to make due.

    I know what you mean. I started at the school gym and I was easily one of the biggest people there but no one cared. No one paid attention to me at all. Most people are focused on their regime and too busy to look at you. Just blast some music or watch netflix while on a machine.