Greetings from New England

Been down the road of moderation, portion control, being tortured by a trainer. Back to portion control, a few years of health and stress issues and then back to the gym did great till I dislocated my knee...Down in the dumps blah blah I'll get to it ...One day, some day tommmorow etc etc....

How many have travelled that path... ?????????????????? I've done weight watchers I've talked with others who have battled their weight issues amongst other demons .... For me some demons are easier for me to battle than others ....What I need to build on is the foundation...So here I am ....I'm giving this a try....I'm looking forward to joining in on the chats and getting to know others who have or are currently feeling what I've experienced.....

I'm orignally from Upstate NY but now live in the Merrimack Valley here in MA....One of these days I'll get a photo up ...But for now it's first things first... ;)