Today I Became A Vegetarian......Oneday A Vegan I Will Be :)

Just like that! BAM!!

Well here is a little secret. I used to be a loyal hardcore Vegetarian for about 5 years in my early and mid-twenties. Then I started eating white meat, then I started to sample red meat, and before I knew it, I changed my diet completely (for the worse).

I have been thinking about this a lot lately. We really do not need as much protein as people say we do. I am doing my research and the Vegetarian lifestyle is actually pretty healthy, assuming you do not start eating only carbs and cheesy things.

My ULTIMATE goal is to be a vegan. Some of the reasons I want to do this are for health, because of the animals, and for religious purposes.

Any Veggies out here? How has your experience been in giving up meat?


  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for almost 18 months now and so far it has been pretty easy. I decided to go veg for health, ethical, and ecological purposes. I gave up meat cold turkey and I didn't find it difficult at all. I never even crave meat. The only difficulty I face every now and then are people questioning (and insulting) my way of eating. I do plan on going vegan soon.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Check out the happy herbivores group. There's quite a few of us lurking around on MFP.
  • DoctorCheeba
    Although I don't agree with it, I very much congratulate you! That takes a lot of courage and will power!
  • Justice2012
    Justice2012 Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks guys for the replies!

    I am for sure going to check out that group. Thank you for that.

    Yes when I was a Vegetarian, some family members did not understand it and told me to start eating meat. I know they care, but it can get real old, real I know how you feel. I wonder what my family will say this time around when I tell them that not only am I going back to being a Vegetarian, I have actually raised the bar now and am researching the Vegan lifestyle and plan on switching to it as soon as I can get myself together, get the cooking part down and my meal options all figured out.

    It's not even that expensive. Your local farmers market has tons fo stuff for Vegans/Vegetarians. It is do-able. There is nothing stopping me now, except myself.

    I am ready to have nice and healthy skin, nails and hair:happy: