Help!? Fitbit syncing

I have my fitbit synced to myfittnesspal but I'm confused if I should still add my daily exercise in or is it already being counted? If I don't add it then it looks like I don't work out, if I do I think it's adding double to my fitbit app. The faq area was too confusing for me. Thanks for any help!


  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    edited March 2017
    If you're tracking your workouts on fitbit and syncing it/using it as your step counter, you do not need to enter your daily exercise. If the amount looks high, check your activity level is set correctly in MFP.
  • KrystaFred
    KrystaFred Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks, I thought so but I wasn't sure. It makes me sad it doesn't show up with what I actually did. I've just been adding my workouts in the notes portion :)