Looking for advice on stress management

Hello!! This is my first time posting in a community or anything like this. I hope this actually does help motivate more!

I am a young adult seeking to lose approximately 25 lbs. I am not overweight (but almost) but I would like to lose weight in order to feel more confident. However, I don't just want to lose fat; in fact, I would like to gain muscle as well and develop better cardio.

I love basketball and snowboarding, but my lack of confidence due to sudden weight gain and health deterioration in my late teens has made me afraid of doing these things, for some odd reason.

My main problem is stress management: I am a stress eater. This past year I have successfully managed to stress eat much less, thus losing 10 pounds. But I still compulsively eat, sometimes binging over a whole weekend and gaining like 3 pounds in this fashion. What's worse, I compulsively eat the wrong things, like sweets, etc. My point is that because of my stress eating, I have really slowed down my weight loss plans, but more importantly, I have made my body gain and lose weight too many times. I'd like to really kick this habit for good.

If anyone has advice, please comment! I would love to be encouraged in this. If anyone has the same problems as me (for sure many do) I hope we can get through this together!


  • lrb142014
    lrb142014 Posts: 66 Member
    First off, welcome:) I can definitely say that I have been in your shoes. I used to weigh 286 and would binge eat in the manner you've described above. For myself, I found the best way to eliminate these episodes was to incorporate sweets/treats into my daily caloric goals. Additionally I would ensure to up my exercise for the day. Keeping in mind that portion control is essential. When we limited ourselves and put restrictions on foods this tends to lead to binge eating.

    Also finding a health means to cope with stress is essential. This can be a process. Therefore try to keep an open mind and try new and healthy activities to assist.

    As for the confidence, that will build. We need to train our minds to be more positive and stop worrying what others think of us. Keep your eyes on the prize and don't let anything come in your way.

    Consistency and determination is key;) both these will lead you a healthier and more confident you!