Late 20's First Time Trying to Lose 50 lbs!

Hi Everybody!

So I have been on MFP for 14 days. I am 5'7 and 195 lbs looking to be 145 lbs by years end.

I am on the 1200 Calories/day plan but I am finding it EXTREMELY difficult. Most of the time I seem to log between 1400-1600 per day.
I started going to the gym 4 times a week. Nothing intense about 25 minute cardio and 20 minute strength training.

I know these are GOOD things to help aide in the weightloss - but I can't shake the feeling that every time I eat over 1200 calories I am moving backward. I eat an onion ring or a cookie and my entire day is ruined.

You assume that as soon as you work out a little bit the weight will fly off you - I am finding that this is not the case.

I think the reality of the difficulty of this weightloss journey is finally hitting me.

Anyone else in the same boat?


  • Xx_Christie_xX
    Xx_Christie_xX Posts: 21 Member
    My Fitness pal seems to set 1200 calories if you want to lose 2lbs per week. For most people this is too low especially if you are exercising. I am a similar weight and height and I am on over 1700 per day. Feel free to add -
  • JennyMaryl323
    JennyMaryl323 Posts: 1 Member
    I completely agree! Even my doctor told me to eat 1200 calories a day and get 10000 steps a day. When I found that ridiculously difficult I met with a nutritionist who told me 1600 would be enough to lose weight. I still find that difficult at times. I'm 26, 5'9" and CW 206 with GW being 180 (where I was at 2 years ago). I just started back on MFP this week and am looking for friends for motivation so feel free to add me!
  • eeroc88
    eeroc88 Posts: 1 Member
    If you are exercising you are adding calories to your "bank". You can eat some of your exercise calories and still easily lose weight. I do it all the time. I am set at 1200 cals a day but eat around 1400-1500. I burn about 500-750 in my daily exercise routine. I have lost 12 lbs so far. If you eat something "bad" remember that it is all about balance. For example, if i eat a piece of candy at work, I count it so it doesn't get lost but then that evening I don't eat my nightly snack. If I know I want my nightly snack then I leave the candy alone. And then on those days when I have both, I add an extra walk after dinner or put in a little more time at the gym. If I do none of that and eat both, life is not over. I forgive myself and make healthier choices at my next opportunity. You did not gain 50 lbs by eating a cookie or one onion ring. You are not going to derail your weightloss by eating one of those either.
    One last thing. I find it helpful to follow the 80/20 rule. Eat good 80% of the time. If you are only eating "bad" 20% of the time (I eat pizza every week) and are exercising you are still going to lose weight. Want to lose faster? Then try 90/10. In the end, don't deprive yourself. Allow yourself to still enjoy food - just be more cognizant about how much/often you enjoy. Good luck! You can do it!
  • nznizz
    nznizz Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! It will get easier, I promise. I have lost 50lbs in the last two years and have 25 more I would like to lose. I agree with the 80/20 rule. I always give myself a break on the weekends. As for workingout/weight loss- take pictures- I would never show these to anybody but there have been entire months where I have lost only a couple pounds but you can see the changes in inches/how I look/how my clothes fit. It is difficult, but it is TOTALLY worth it, I would suggest looking at it 10lbs at a time. For example once I got to 186, I would say- I am never going back to 190! Then once I got to 176- I am never going back to 180! It helped me to really celebrate the increments and the "never" moments :)
  • TheCupcakeCounter
    TheCupcakeCounter Posts: 606 Member
    I am 36, 5'9", 174 lbs (down about 18) with a goal in the neighborhood of 155. MFP also has my calories set to 1200 and I exercise. I don't find it that hard to hit 1200-1300 fairly regularly as I am focusing on nutrient dense foods. My diary is public if you want to take a look but here is my basic day:
    Morning workout followed by Kombucha drink (30-70 cals depending on flavor), gummy vitamins (30 cals and help with sweet tooth), coconut oil/protein latte (130-150 cals depending on that day's recipe), and then oatmeal or a smoothie (250 cals). I do front load a good portion of my calories since I workout in the morning and tend to get quite hungry after.
    For morning snack I will have raw veggies (usually 2 servings of cucumbers) and if I am hungrier than normal will add a protein/fat like a baby bell cheese round or one serving of nuts (I weigh them out).
    Lunch is usually high protein but low cal. My favorite is an egg and hot sauce on top of a piece of Ezekiel bread spread with a wedge of laughing cow cheese. Rings in about 170 cals and very filling with good protein and fiber. I will usually pair it with a green juice or some fruit and a serving of snap pea crisps or Boom Chicka Pop if I want more salt. I also will do a Wasa cracker spread with the laughing cow wedge topped with 2 oz deli chicken or turkey or nut butter on a piece of Cinnamon Raisin Ezekiel toast. Fruit and/or raw veggies on the side.
    Afternoon snack is veggies and dip (either hummus or 2 cups plain Greek yogurt mixed with a packet of Hidden Valley dip mix in either Fiesta Ranch or Dill).
    Dinner is homemade and usually has a lean protein (chicken) and at least 1 but sometimes 2 veggie sides. Tonight for example is sheet pan BBQ chicken, sweet potatoes, and broccoli. Very filling and about 400 calories.

    Since I do workout I eat back a portion of my calories - 25% on cardio days and 50% on days I lift. If you eat the right things you can easily hit 1200-1300 and feel satisfied. I still usually have room for a chocolate square, a date roll, or some Arctic Zero or Halo Top. I have 1 cheat meal (not day) per week and that helps keep cravings under control and try to balance that out with a harder or longer workout.
    I also drink a lot of water and use things like Stur or the Mio Vitamin every other cup to keep it interesting. String minty gum will also help with boredom eating and not much tastes all that good after some mint gum.
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    You are smart to conquer this when you are young... It is much harder to get the weight to budge when you are older, AND your skin will fall back into place if you lose and keep it off while you are young. Applause, applause!! Even losing 1 pound a week will put you at your goal weight in a year. Losing slowly and focusing on a balance in nutrition and activity will get you there with a whole new outlook on life.

  • SnowChick17
    SnowChick17 Posts: 15 Member
    I am the same height and almost the same weight too! I'm 31. I have mine set to 1200 and I'm eating on average 1400 to 1500 too. I feel your struggle! I agree with the above post about nutrient dense foods. You really need to look at the quality of food you are eating. If you are eating "junk" no amount of exercise can help you. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like!