How long till I get used to exercising again?

Not only have I been quite sedentary for way too long due to full class loads but I've also been struggling with depression lately. Since I'm not working or taking any summer classes I thought an exercise class would be good. I thought if I were forced to get put of the house and do SOMETHING if would not only help me lose weight and get healthy but also help with the depression. So I signed up for a "Lap Swimming" class at school. For the last 2 weeks we've been doing: stretching, weight machines & about 60 mins of swimming for a total of a 2 hour class 4 days a week. By the time I get home I am utterly exhausted. To the point I feel like I don't even have the energy to go shower. I know it's going to take time to get used to exercising again after being sedentary for so long but how long do you think it might be? There are 3 more weeks of class and I'm hoping to keep things up afterwards be going to the local Natatorium.

Thanks :yawn:


  • athenasurrenders
    athenasurrenders Posts: 278 Member
    2 hours, 4 times a week is a big jump from being mostly sedentary, especially if those two hours involve weights and lap swimming which can be fairly intense forms of exercise. I would think it will be quite some time before you can do that without feeling exhausted. A lot of fairly fit people would feel exhausted after that.

    If you're just tired but otherwise enjoying it and not experiencing excessive soreness then maybe it's worth the trade off? But bear in mind that going from nothing to intense can be a big strain on the body and if it's a struggle perhaps you should cut down to something gentler or do less sessions.
  • zoey116
    zoey116 Posts: 75
    When I signed up for the class I thought it was only swimming since the class description didn't mention anything else. Also since it is through the community college if I quit the class it will affect my GPA and I have worked too hard to let this mess it up. As for soreness I was sore after the first few days but that seems to have subsided. Now it is just exhaustion. I understand its a big jump but I seem to be able to do it. I mean I am able to keep going the whole class, while taking breaks when I need to. There are only 3 more weeks (counting this week) left and then I plan on just going to the Natatorium on my own to continue working out of my own. My thought is, I'm not working right now (though that might change soon) and I am not taking any classes either. Right now this class is my only obligation to keep up with so what better time to push myself and get started? Especially since I do have the ability to come home and fall into a puddle on the couch. Also since I'm not working or in class, this class is the only reason I'm not sitting on my butt for the next 5 weeks till classes start back being depressed that I can't find a job.

    Anyway, Sorry if this is off topic or rambling. Just wondering how long till I might get used to this level of activity or if it might not happen. Either way I intended to keep swimming, but probably not quite the same intensity, after this summer semester is over.
  • CycleGuy9000
    CycleGuy9000 Posts: 290
    I started biking a few times a week, got used to it after a couple weeks and now I go almost everyday for an hour 16-25mph intense workouts.
  • zoey116
    zoey116 Posts: 75
    Just in case anyone should search this type of issue in the future I wanted to say that when I went to my doctor for my yearly physical a few weeks ago I found out I am anemic. After having been on iron pills for almost 2 weeks I'm already noticing I don't feel as bad in general or as easily winded.

    I haven't been swimming like I should but that's due to other extraneous issues. Even so I notice a difference in every day things like simply going up a flight of stairs.