Body fat calculator..



  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    There's no way that thing's right. I weigh 156 right now and that thing says that I have 50 pounds of fat. I'm 5'8" and I've never been close to 106 pounds. If I was, I'd be in the hospital. At 125, I was very sickly.

    You may be looking at this wrong. If you are 50 pounds of fat, that means you are 106 pounds of lean body mass. According to the "Fat Chart" on this site ( you need 10%-12% fat that is essential for your body to function properly. So, with adding back in *just* 10% of your essential fat, you'd be 116.

    However, if you look over the chart further, it shows that even athletes (I'm thinking Olympic swimmer Dana Torres here) carries 14%-20% fat, which added to 106 pounds of lean body mass puts you at 121 - 127 pounds.

    I'd have to say that for most of us, the type of training required to achieve athlete status is just not happening (!), which puts our most likely lowest possible healthy goal in the "Fitness" range of 21%-24% body fat. In that range, you'd weigh between 128 - 131 pounds.

    Hope this helps to clear it up a little? Bear in mind that these types of calculators are always 'ballpark' and your best measure is the tape measure!!