Clean eating/whole food eaters- can I please see your diary?

jenbk2 Posts: 614 Member
Hi everyone- my mom went to a seminar last night and they suggested less that 30 grams of sugar a day and only 3-4 oz of protein per meal. Does anyone eat simular? If so can I please see your diary?

Thanks !


  • sianquin
    sianquin Posts: 86 Member
    My new personal trainer gave me a similar plan, basicially a small amount of protein at every meal and limit your sugar and salt intake and eat 6 meals a day (some are barely meals), when i put the food into MFP for the first time ever i came under the macho's set by them so i am thinking it could work.

    Ofcourse then i went on holiday and i'm only just back so my diarys not much use and i have no idea if it acually works yet. However i did notice i was never hungry as i didn't have time to get hungry before my next meal was due so no cravings i can also have a snack of rice crackers and peanut butter if i want but i havent needed it. Your welcome to look at my dairy for today and a few weeks ago if it will help, i do cheat abit with things like sauces but really it would be very bland otherwise i'm very into bbq sauce at the moment.
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    I'm just 2 days in but you're welcome to look at mine.
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    I eat a whole foods diet but my sugar is usually over 100 a day, because I eat a lot of fresh fruit in my green smoothies. It will be challenging to keep your sugar number down with a whole foods diet unless you're also cutting out fruit?

    My diary is open but I don't usually log anything, so it's pretty empty right now. But, a typical day is a large (canning jar size) green smoothie with kale, spinach, some other veggie, banana, strawberries, blueberries, raw honey and plain yogurt; a grain like oats or some sort of bean, and then a veggie based meal like a taco salad with flax seed instead of ground beef or mushrooms and veggies sauted in evoo. An afternoon snack is usually a hb egg or some cheese with olives etc.
    I'm transitioning to a whole foods, plant based diet so I get my protein from other sources than meat.
  • MusicBizMom
    MusicBizMom Posts: 6 Member
    Hey there! I have had a similar problem... I just ignore it, to be honest. Also, it tells me I eat too much fat but I hardly eat any bad's usually from foods like nuts or avocados....I'll send you a friend request. I just know that if I stay away from processed food, I'm treating my body well, I feel great, and the weight comes off quickly.
  • kerstenruth
    kerstenruth Posts: 4 Member
    Sending friend request so you can see my food diary.

    I've done the 6 small meals and cutting sugar back, but found it was really difficult (nearly impossible) to do without using sugar substitute, which besides being calorie free couldn't be better than real sugar IMO.

    Now I'm more of a clean eater. There are lots of days where I come close to the 30, but they are days I don't eat yogurt or have Starbucks (arguably not whole foods anyway.) Mostly I don't focus on it.
  • StacyReneO
    StacyReneO Posts: 317 Member
    If you want to friend me, you can see mine. I don't limit my sugar intake though, I just get as much of it as I can from natural sources. I have heard people say that sugar is sugar is sugar, but I know my body feels a lot different (it feels terrible)when I eat refined sugars as opposed to natural sugars.
  • HeyGoRun
    HeyGoRun Posts: 550 Member
    Started monday to eat just whole foods