Circuit Training

I am looking to mix things up in the gym and I am looking to get more bang for my buck...more calories burned in the same I am fairly restricted in the time I can spend in the gym. I have heard that circuit training or interval training with weights is the way to go. Has anyone got any good programs or circuits they do, or and good advice?


  • Thunderfan66
    Thunderfan66 Posts: 105 Member
  • flutatious1
    flutatious1 Posts: 120 Member
    Hmmm. I'm surprised nobody has responded. I'd be interested in this information as well. With a one year old I need to save all the time that I can.
  • ruthrowlett1
    ruthrowlett1 Posts: 82 Member
    I do a weekly Circuit Training Class at the gym I belong to. The way we do it is - he has 10 different stations. We do each station for one minute and switch - resting no more than 15 secs inbetween. after first round you get a 2 min break and then repeat. we do this 3 times...takes about an hour depending on how many people and how fast we are moving. Last night we did - Mountain climbers - Tricep band extensions - medicine ball twist - lunges - box jumps - skull crushers - punching bag - planks - squats with kettleball - (can't remember the other station) Each week is different and we might focus more on arms and then next week legs but generally just a mixture for an all over body workout.
  • Seaduck79
    Seaduck79 Posts: 35 Member
    Here's what I do. Wasn't sure if it was really circuit training, but the way I do it kind of is. Each round takes about 7-8 minutes, and I do 3 rounds. By the middle of the first round, my heart rate is up about where it is when I'm running.

    I structure mine this way for two reasons:

    1) I have 2 arm/shoulder exercises broken up by a lower body one.
    2) The arm/shoulder exercises are done in the same place with no break. The only breaks I get are moving from station to station, or taking a quick drink.

    * Pushups
    * High angle Cable Cross exercises (a set from each side) (works upper back and shoulder/tricep)
    * Low angle Cable Cross exercises (a set from each side) (works obliques and lower back)
    * Squats
    * Military Press (dumbbells)
    * Bicep Curls (dumbbells)
    * Crunches
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    You haven't told us your fitness goals.