Looking for highly motivated people who want results!

Hello everyone!

I am not new to the world of fitness however my last 6 years of training have been sporadic and I was never able to consistently work out and have my nutrition nailed down. I see huge value in having a support group so I would like to start building connections with people that are serious about change!

If you don't think you can commit this isn't the group for you, but if you think you are up to it I will add you!




  • Tylerman35
    Tylerman35 Posts: 66 Member
    I'll be your friend on here. I've started calisthenics. All bodyweight workouts at home so far (winter so cold weather, but on the brink of spring finally). Looking for ward to going to parks and practicing muscle ups, pull ups, chin ups, etc...

    I'm hoping to gain 20-25 pounds of muscle and a little more fat since it comes along in the next 2 years. I have a personal trainer and have a calorie intake goal along with a flexible but strict diet.

    I'm 18 and I weigh 161 pounds looking to get to 175 this year if possible