Bonjour Every1


Just thought I would introduce myself as you will certainly see me posting on th forum from time to time.
To sum up I have ovr 50lbs to lose and I have tried many calorie/point counters and never stuck to it. I have an iphone so I though I would give this one a try. I have been on hre for 2 days now (my third day today) and I already had a very bad day (chinese and wine = over allowance by 850cal) but I am ready to commit and will compensate this calorie in eating a bit less everyday for the rest of the week.

As I said I have tried several counter but once things I never did is to participate to forum, getting involved in supporting other people and shring my experience. Well this time, here I am so count on me and I hope I will be able to count on you. We all have bad days , we all know that but it is nice to be reminded that it is not the end of the workd and that tomorrow is another day.

First goal: -1stone and for that I have 2 months (when my parents are coming to visit me)

Thank you for taking the time to reading my message and I am looking forward to reading your message on the forum.

HWG :happy:


  • RachMartin
    RachMartin Posts: 44 Member
    Hello and welcome

    Well done for joining and yes you are right it is great to message message boards where we can all support each other

    Wishing you lots of luck!

    Rach :-)