Is it okay to eat calorie restricted during the week and and eat a lot on the weekend?



  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,484 Member
    Just thought I would drop this in.
    No nothing about it, someone posted the link a long time ago and for some reason I remembered it.

    When you have your weekend dinner and drinks etc, do you go dancing?

    I use to dance til 2-3 am. Certainly worked the calories off.

    Cheers, h.
  • LucasWilland
    LucasWilland Posts: 68 Member
    Just as long as you don't completely negate the deficit created over the week like Templeton here, you will be fine:
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I would not drop below 1200 calories during the week. As others have addressed- you risk not meeting your nutritional needs for the sake of more low nutrition high calorie foods and drinks. That isn't okay.

    Plan your weekends better. Decide in advance what and how much you will eat and drink. Be firm and resolute. You control what goes into your body not your friends. Take responsibility.
    Alcohol seems to be an issue with having a lot of calories and causing you to eat much more. Have much less or no alcohol when you go out.
    Change the setting. Do things on the weekend that are not food/alcohol related. Don't go to bars/restaurants every weekend.
    Get some different friends who like to do other things.
  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member
    No attack. But you recognize that this lifestyle works against your goal. When having friends with poor choices whether its smoking or restaurant gorging and drinking or sedentary living... You need to minimize exposure with politeness and grace. Not necessarily cut them out.

    If it were me I would go out one night every other week or once a month. Order healthier choices. Make fun plans on the off weekends that are great choices for me.

    I wouldn't cut out my friends or stop going out. Those are important. And find friends who emulate a way of living i want....exercise and eating salads and so on. Because those people are important too.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,620 Member
    If you're losing weight, then fine. If not, then you KNOW it's the weekends.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    I love eating out with friends on a Friday night and it often involves a curry! I find that dry white wine with soda works well and you can make it last… Also things like chicken biryani and tomato based curries and either cauliflower bhajee and only a small amount of rice. When eating out with my husband I often order two starters rather than starter and main. If I am tempted to have a pudding I have a sorbet (eating lowish fat)… This seems to work. If in a restaurant I often order fish and ask for steamed/boiled potatoes rather than the skinny/fat fries that are the default options. If ordering a salad I ask for the dressing on the side - that way I can have a little but not too much. These days, most restaurants are used to dealing with special requests. The real issue I have is parties and party food as most of it is really calorific! When going to one of these I have a bowl of oatbran with milk before going out and this helps me to feel full so I eat less party food. It isn't easy!
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    a shot is about 65 calories of just about any non flavored booze. Most bars will pour about 1.5 shots in a drink.

    This is very true! My job involves hotels with a few restaurants and bars. The bartenders in our hotel bars pour heavy (better tips!) Makes us bean counters a little crazy when it comes time to calculate cost of goods lol
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    Why don't You and your friends set up something where one person sets up the outing for the week? When it's your week, you can choose more active outings that don't focus on food or drinks. Hiking, dancing, concerts, improv comedy, etc. Otherwise, bowling and game night are good options if you want to eat, but don't want your friends to be so fixated on what/how much (not sure why they would care though).
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Hi I picked one funday usually Sunday but could be Saturday I was allowed 2500 cal of anything I wanted but not to exceed that during the week I carb cycled low carb days were1200 and high carb 1500. Thing is on your funday if you overdo it you can wipe out your week so consider that. You can preplan outings by looking up the menu and preplan the calories first before choosing meals. Or packing half away. Choosing skinny drinks. When I started to do that I started to see a difference and started making better choices calories wise on free day and what wAs worth it to me a 300 cal donut or a spicy delux from chick fil a with no bun 350 or with bun 500. Or other small choices that add up like sugared nuts on a salad 200 calories or the avacado ranch 150 calories. So this allowed me to see where the most calories are from what keeps me full or makes me hungry later. I'd not waste most my calories on drinks but real foods bc it's not really worth it to me personally.