
Hello. I am a homeschooling mom of four approaching the next half-decade who wants to become healthier and stronger. My hubby is active and wants to go backpacking when we retire. I want to go with him. Losing weight will give my knees and feet a break and allow me to carry states me of that extra weight in my backpack. It also means helping the environment by eating less resources and becoming less greedy. I am, by nature a book-worm and movie-watching couch potato. I am using Yoga with Adrienne on YouTube and walking the dog as my primary exercise. I am watching calories and trying to shift to less refined sugar and more veggies. I tend to sabotage my diet with sugary treats.


  • Okohme
    Okohme Posts: 152 Member
    If you're a bookworm you might consider audiobooks (you can get them on your phone or MP3 player or whatever, you can pick up a decent new one for less than you'd think) for walking. I enjoyed them for that purpose, now that I'm running, not so much, can't find the same rhythm. As far as sabotage goes, I can understand. I either reserved 50-100 calories at the end of the day for 1-2 chipsahoy cookies, when I first began and was having sugar urges. Later I switched to carrots for a lot of my "munchiness" and now I really like to snack on carrots, like some @$$hole rabbit or something. My feet used to hurt all the time. When I started walking it got a little bit better, now that I've been running for a little while I can't even recall when the last time they hurt like that was, and I can't say for sure if they hurt less from weighing less, or from more exercise getting them in better shape. Can your feet get in shape? I guess maybe they can.
    Anyway, good luck, find a routine that works and is at least a little fun.
    I like to watch tv/movies and walk in place when I can't get out (too cold or raining so I can't take the baby out for a walk.)
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Ah the sugart treats, those get alot of us. Some people do better just making sure they leave room in their calories for them, and some do better just abstaining all together, so figure out which will work better for you. A handy tip for when cravings hit is to prelog the treat. This makes you aknowledge what you are eating before you do it. Sometimes that is enough to help you decide it isn't really worth it.

    Good luck
  • tandemingtroll
    tandemingtroll Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you!
  • jennyabsheberly
    jennyabsheberly Posts: 12 Member
    I love Yoga with Adrienne! She's my go-to for a good stretch.
  • tandemingtroll
    tandemingtroll Posts: 5 Member
    What I am trying to do with sugar is to keep sugary snacks out of my house. I had a major breakthrough last week in that I threw out the rest of my son's birthday cake after everyone had seconds the next day.

    I also found Sunbutter (sunflower seed butter) is sweet enough to satisfy sugar cravings.