Asthmatic Distance Running Outdoors — HELP

I've been running pretty regularly on treadmills for over two years, but want to start running outside to be kinder to my joints and to go farther distances. I am currently running an average 3-4 miles at a time comfortably and can do up to a 10K on a treadmill (although my hips are very sore the next couple days), but can only muster about a mile outside before my chest feels too tight.
I take 2 puffs of QVAR a day, with 2 puffs of Ventolin 30 minutes beforehand, but almost always need it after I rub outside
I pace myself comfortably on a treadmill at a 12:00/mile, but I know I run faster off it, but can't do distance of any sort.
Another thing that triggers my asthma is cold, wind, pollution, and pollen, so the circumstances almost never work out. Even when they do, I'm still hurting.
How do fellow asthmatics run distance?
It's my goal to run a marathon this fall, but if I can't go outside, I can't participate :(


  • VioletRojo
    VioletRojo Posts: 596 Member
    Singulair changed my life. Ask your doctor what he/she thinks.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Would allergy meds help? Sometimes if you keep the allergies at bay, the asthma isn't as bad. Might be worth a shot.