Exercise help for the "bigger" person?



  • SammiLilyBug
    SammiLilyBug Posts: 11 Member
    edited March 2017
    Irrelevant I know, but I have a lot of weight to loose and would love to have a friend to do it with and keep me in check :# so feel free to add, I have some of the same problems.
  • ICameToGetDown
    ICameToGetDown Posts: 958 Member
    If yo have cable, there are fitness videos on demand. Search for walking. They usually rotate between Leslie and Kendra. Great in home low impact exercise.
    Resistance bands are very cheap.
    Push ups, squats and planks are free.
    Google ways to do them for overweight if you dont feel ready to go all out.
    On Facebook follow Shaun T - he is posting some good stuff recently.
  • Harrison_girl18
    Harrison_girl18 Posts: 7 Member
    For cardio buy a tredmill.New or used whatever works don't have to be fancy but just start walking on it maybe set your tv up in front it and watch a show as you walk to keep entertained that's what I do or music and slowly work your way up from there.also for toning try videos on YouTube my personal preference is blogilates she's keeps me very motivated and she is very positive.I would Suggest choosing a video for each part of your body (abs,thighs,butt,arms etc.) and just TRYING to get threw it you don't have to but just keep trying and eventually it will happen! I am skinny and in pretty good shape and there are workout videos that I can't even get threw without taking breaks.Just don't get discouraged it will happen if you just keep trying. Hope this helped,Good luck! :)
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I have a stationary bike and a treadmill. My feet developed problems so I went to Sears and tried a bunch of stationary bikes. I picked the Nordic Track GX 2.7 on sale for about $250. The treadmill was great for jogging and I'm glad I had it because my husband started using it to walk. He started with a stroll and a book. He now has increased the incline and watches TV. I watch the news when I bike in the mornings.

    Whatever you start- just start. And do it slowly till your body gets in shape.
  • johnw83
    johnw83 Posts: 6,219 Member
    I would recommend aqua aerobics classes and indoor cycling classes till u get fitter please add me as a friend I am happy to help u to get fit and healthy
  • subcounter
    subcounter Posts: 2,382 Member
    Hi everyone. Hope someone can help as im kinda stuck. Im a big person, ok obese, and im totally unfit. Id love to start slowly working out to build up my fitness and tone up but i dont know where to start :( With 150lbs to lose Im struggling. I cannot work out outdoors or go to a gym due to anxiety so...any home workout tips would be really appreciated.
    Thanks for reading x

    Well the good news is that, it will be so easy for you to get your heart rate going. Start with simply walking around the house. Constant steps. Give yourself certain goals, like X-number of steps in certain amount of time. Your body and your heartrate can be the judge of your limits. It is impossible for us to give a certain number without really seeing you.

    Burpees are amazing too but this will take some time for you to get used to. I would do very slow ones and go from there.

    Generally though, something like fitbit charge 2 would be good for you. Track your steps, track your HR, and add the workout calories in automatically.

    Also, toning up is mostly nutrition based. Make sure you track your calories, and stay in a reasonable deficit. You can aim to lose 2lbs/week, and perhaps lower the goal a little depending on how you feel (you don't wanna start off too low in calories). Food in big in volume and low in calories are your friends.