Obese babies



  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    What pisses me off are the obese toddlers and you still see parents feeding their children crap. Im sorry but it is their damn fault and yes I am judging them. Poor kids.
  • darsh11
    darsh11 Posts: 98
    It sadens me that children now have to worry about adult diseases like HBP, and high cholesterol, and Type 2 diabetes. Kids just want to be kids, and we as parents need to hold ourselves accountable for what our children eat. I am not perfect, but I am at least trying to give my kids a fighting chance. It is very hard to start with kids, but if they have no junk to eat they will eat the healthy stuff because their bodies need food and will not let them starve. We also have to encourage our kids to be active. I have found the more active I am, the more they want to do. It does not have to organized. It just needs to be fun. My kids burn a lot of calories having water gun wars in the backyard. They run and chase each other, they climb, and jump and squeal with delight. It all starts with the parents.
  • amy32lynn
    amy32lynn Posts: 157 Member
    my 6 year old weighs 38 pounds my 8 year old weighs 43 I not sure how tall they are my 8 year old a little over 4 feet and the 6 year old a lil under!!!!!!!! I guess there super thin idk!!!!!!!
  • starryiid1
    starryiid1 Posts: 2 Member
    It's a baby. They grow at different rates. Until the kid is school-aged and obviously lacks nutritional guidance, I don't think we should judge the parents because it likely has more to do with genetics than eating habits.

    My husband is 6'4 and both of my kids were large at the age of one...my dad still calls my youngest "tank" because he's so solid...but I don't feed him McD's and junk food all the time.

    Besides, chubby babies are so cute! :)
  • Ivey05131980
    Ivey05131980 Posts: 1,118 Member
    My daughters have always been at the bottom of the weight charts with their pediatricians being very happy about that. They're quite active, eat well, and are incredibly healthy. I usually laugh at the comments about them being "skinny," as they're usually from people who are obese themselves and clearly clueless enough to make such a comment in the first place.

    my sons pediatrician said almost the exact same thing at his check up in june (he's 10...my kid, not the pediatrician).

    people think the healthy weight kids are "too thin" now because child obesity is becoming more "normal".


    I just LOL right at my desk! Ok, so what do you feed the child who likes nothing but pizza, alfredo, chicken nuggets and burgers? The only "healthy" thing my son likes is grilled meats, yogurt and bananas! It is hard every single day trying to figure out what to feed him. I have got him on skim milk and water, but the food issue is hard. He always seems hungry, too. He's 6.

    unless, of course, theyre bulking.

  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    My daughters have always been at the bottom of the weight charts with their pediatricians being very happy about that. They're quite active, eat well, and are incredibly healthy. I usually laugh at the comments about them being "skinny," as they're usually from people who are obese themselves and clearly clueless enough to make such a comment in the first place.

    my sons pediatrician said almost the exact same thing at his check up in june (he's 10...my kid, not the pediatrician).

    people think the healthy weight kids are "too thin" now because child obesity is becoming more "normal".


    unless, of course, theyre bulking.


    I just LOL right at my desk! Ok, so what do you feed the child who likes nothing but pizza, alfredo, chicken nuggets and burgers? The only "healthy" thing my son likes is grilled meats, yogurt and bananas! It is hard every single day trying to figure out what to feed him. I have got him on skim milk and water, but the food issue is hard. He always seems hungry, too. He's 6.

    of course he's hungry....he;s 6. growing like a weed, no doubt.

    YOU are the parent...YOU have the upper hand.

    youve lost 111lbs...you know how to eat well.
    pass that down to him.
  • rachseby
    rachseby Posts: 285 Member
    What pisses me off are the obese toddlers and you still see parents feeding their children crap. Im sorry but it is their damn fault and yes I am judging them. Poor kids.
    Agree. I once saw a 1 year old drinking coke out of a baby bottle...Really???
  • CountingCaloriesSuxass
    CountingCaloriesSuxass Posts: 387 Member
    I really have a problem with your post OP...Why dont you mind your own f*cking business and stop worring how much other babies weigh??
    My son was 31 pounds at his first birthday and 33 at his second...never was the doctor worried about his weight..He was 10-12lbs at birth....He started walking at 9 months when other babies dont even crawl yet...I am so sick and tired of people like you being so surprised of how much some babies weigh..MIND your business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • blah2989
    blah2989 Posts: 338 Member
    I wouldnt say 32lbs is the size of a 5yr old. My 3 yr old is 31lbs, 3'7 and wears 3t but always has to wear a belt ( he actually can wear 12 month clothing, its just too short. Hes always been skinny. My 2 yr old is 31 lbs also. Hes not quite a "chunker" He has chubby cheeks and leg rolls ( but my oldest NEVER did) my younger son is your average baby. Hes about 3'2 and he is super strong. Wears 2t and it fits fine. ( my boys are 15 mos apart) Luke turned 2 in may, ry turned 3 in jan. But I know what you are saying. I knew a lady who had a baby who was HUGE. She had a c section because he was so large 10 or 11 lbs and at three months old he wad 18 lbs, no joke. By a year he was easily 30 something pounds. Ryan was 18 lbs at a yr old and luke was 19lbs at yr old ( but ry was 6.13 when he was born and luke was 8 exactly.) I had another friend whose son was 46lbs at 3 yrs old. ( although he did not look fat, he was just tall & big) But I agree that 32lbs for a one yr old is pretty big. Double what my kids are certainly. I want to say eyan was 24 lbs by 2yrs old- skinny mini and luke was 29 on his 2cnd.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    My child was measured at the 125 percentile within weeks of her birth.

    FYI by definition no one can ever be at "125th percentile".

    haha.. tell that to my sons peditirican! that's where my son was. Just means my son was 25% taller then the highest average height//weight of kids his size.
  • Ivey05131980
    Ivey05131980 Posts: 1,118 Member
    My daughters have always been at the bottom of the weight charts with their pediatricians being very happy about that. They're quite active, eat well, and are incredibly healthy. I usually laugh at the comments about them being "skinny," as they're usually from people who are obese themselves and clearly clueless enough to make such a comment in the first place.

    my sons pediatrician said almost the exact same thing at his check up in june (he's 10...my kid, not the pediatrician).

    people think the healthy weight kids are "too thin" now because child obesity is becoming more "normal".


    unless, of course, theyre bulking.


    I just LOL right at my desk! Ok, so what do you feed the child who likes nothing but pizza, alfredo, chicken nuggets and burgers? The only "healthy" thing my son likes is grilled meats, yogurt and bananas! It is hard every single day trying to figure out what to feed him. I have got him on skim milk and water, but the food issue is hard. He always seems hungry, too. He's 6.

    of course he's hungry....he;s 6. growing like a weed, no doubt.

    YOU are the parent...YOU have the upper hand.

    youve lost 111lbs...you know how to eat well.
    pass that down to him.

    I know. BUT still. It's hard and I never have time to cook...at least we are making baby steps.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    This is totally ridiculous!!! :angry:

    Op hopefully people are not judging you on your "small" grand baby, like you did to the "bigger baby"!!!! Just saying.
  • dennik15
    dennik15 Posts: 97 Member
    I find this whole thread a little sad. Most posts seem to be parents justifying why their children were fat. Everyone seems to have overweight children with some perfectly reasonable and healthy reason for being overweight. But, what are the odds of that? And what has changed in the past 40 years that caused all these special circumstances? Other than our perspective on weight, I mean.

    I disagree. I don't think that most of us are justifying why our kids were fat, we don't think they were. Mine were chubby as infants and are healthy athletic adolescents. What we're trying to say is that babies grow and gain at different rates, that's why there are ranges for what is healthy.

    That aside, I 100% agree that childhood obesity is something we all need to be concerned about. I would just suggest that we not judge it based on what a child weighs at 10 months as that can change dramatically once they start running around.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I find this whole thread a little sad. Most posts seem to be parents justifying why their children were fat. Everyone seems to have overweight children with some perfectly reasonable and healthy reason for being overweight. But, what are the odds of that? And what has changed in the past 40 years that caused all these special circumstances? Other than our perspective on weight, I mean.

    growth hormones....that's what's changed.... kids are geting all kinds of checmials that boost thier growth that parents aren't really even aware of. I would feed a new baby totally different now then I did my son.. because I know more about food now then I did 14 years ago. That's not my fault. I had no idea what they were putting in the food I was feeding my son. Not to mention a lot of other things health wise I would do differently with a new baby. Not that i'm gonna have one.. just making a point.

    Also.. it's not overweight to have a child who is 125% on both height and weight chart..so no real justification needed.. it means they are big, not fat. but people still make the "fat" comment (usually not so cleverly disgusied) I cant' control how tall my son is.. only what i put in his belly. If he's too thin or too fat i'm probably putting the wrong things in his belly. If he was 125 percentile of weight and only 50% of height.. i might have a fat kid.. but he's not.
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    This is a bunch of horsesh*t. My daughter was one of those “obese” babies you speak of. She weighed 28 pounds at 12 months and has been nearly off the charts in weight and height (although proportioned) ever since. In fact right now she is almost three and weighs 42 pounds. Is she fat? NO! Is her doctor concerned? NO! She is tall and sturdy. She doesn't have rolls of fat hanging off of her by any means. She wears a size 6 jean and we don’t have to roll the bottoms up. Wanna know why she is so big??? .....because I breast fed her for 15 months and because we are tall/big people She didn't eat candy or junk to get so big although a lollypop here and there certainly didn't cause her to become so large. Everyone is different so please stop judging other people’s children when you have no idea why they are the size they are. Some people are petite and some are not. That is why we have percentage charts and not a simple mold for everyone to fit into.
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    Is this a trend?

    Well, I don't go around asking people at the park what their kids weight, but I'd say most of those kids at the park and at my daughter's school look pretty proportional to their height. I don't think she had a single "fat" kid in her classes these last two years. Everyone in the class photos looks healthy. Some are shorter, some taller, some are stocky, but none look fat.

    My own kids have always been tall and skinny, and I guarantee that there are times we are out for our once a month McD's or buying some chocolate at the end of a grocery trip, that people would probably judge me for those parenting choices. If their genetics predisposed my kids to being chunky-built, I'm sure I'd get a lot of people verbally judging me on my treat occasions, not knowing that these things are once-in-a-while treats. Yes my kids are lucky to be built the way they are, but if they had a stockier build, I wouldn't feed them any differently than I currently am.
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    Also shocked and saddened. Yesterday I saw an obese woman with her two children who were also obese, we we out walking and through the park where I walk there is a reallysteep hill. They were coming up to climb it and we passed them at quite a pace an the younger child looked at his mum and said "woah, how do you do that?" she jsut turnd to him and said "they're jsut faster than us!"
    Really made me sad thatshe would say that to a young child. I hope it made her realise asmuch as it made me feel saddened by it.

    Wait - how is this bad? I just heard you say an obese family was at the park together climbing a hill? And a child may have been inspired by you. I see this as good. She probably didn't want to hurt the kids self esteem in a comparison - I don't mind her response. I hope they keep going to the park and climbing hills.
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    My child was measured at the 125 percentile within weeks of her birth.

    FYI by definition no one can ever be at "125th percentile".

    There are actually multiple methods of statistical average calculations and 125% percentile is indeed very possible.

    But to my knowledge no child is categorized as being above the 100%, which is what she was referring to.

    True, not by the government charts but doctors are using some that do have additional percentages over 100% based on the 95% cap on the government charts.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    I had a belly when i was a year old, slimmed down the next year. profile pic, me in the blue bikini.

  • blah2989
    blah2989 Posts: 338 Member
    What pisses me off are the obese toddlers and you still see parents feeding their children crap. Im sorry but it is their damn fault and yes I am judging them. Poor kids.

    I completely agree with you. I mean pack them a healthy lunch ( carrots, cherry tomatoes, apple slices a few pieces of cheese and a boiled egg or something and take them to the park. Take water bottles. Arrange fun activities like frisbee or tag, capture the flag ( if there are enough ppl) And that way it gets you out too.
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