Day 1 of the rest of my life. NEED MOTIVATION

I am 29 years young and would love to be in great shape for my 30th birthday.i want to loose 30lbs by Christmas and 50 lbs in total by Spring. Could use all the motivation and support i can get. dont have any workout partners so online support is just as good.


  • sgk0411
    sgk0411 Posts: 105 Member
    you can friend me. I lost 70lbs about 2 years ago!
  • clayfish
    clayfish Posts: 2
    I'm 29, starting MFP seriously the first of March (when my gym reopened 24/7), and have lost 35lbs so far. Thats with pretty regular binge drinking/eating on the weekends (college life). Stick to it, drink lots of water, cardio>weights, and it's totally achievable. If I can do it with terrible weekends, you shouldn't have a problem.
  • kini324
    kini324 Posts: 239 Member
    Add me if you'd like to!
  • pbrahan
    pbrahan Posts: 107 Member
    You can totally do this - just don't get discouraged by the natural fluctuations in your weight. I weigh every day even though I know I should only really weigh once a week (at most).
    accountability is KEY so log everything and be honest.
    Let yourself eat whatever you want -but LOG IT.
    Move your body. Do something. At least 20 minutes at least 3 times a week. At least.
    look at website and find something you enjoy doing at home. no gym membership needed. it's free.
    drink water. cut out calorie dense things (food/drink) as much as possible so that you can eat more throughout the day while staying within your calories.
    you can totally do this!
    friend me if you'd like.
  • dkulani
    dkulani Posts: 1
    I joined this site a while ago when I had a little motivation to lose weight... and then that motivation went away and I never looked at it again. I have been looking at pictures of myself lately and realizing how noticeable how heavy I am (my face is fat, my stomach sticks out - eeek!) but I can't seem to find the motivation. To the others who have been so successful - how did you get started? It's so easy for me to come up with excuses and be lazy. I think to myself, I'll start tomorrow, or by x date and then by that date I've gained even more! Would love to chat with others for ideas on motivation. Thanks for posting this. Although my day 1 is not today I'm hoping it's right around the corner.