General Fitness Group Winkler/Winnipeg/Morris area

Ninebark43 Posts: 11 Member
Anyone interested in joining a rollerblading group with me in the Winnipeg-Morris-Winkler area? It would be at your own risk! I'm not an experienced rollerblader at all, but add and msg me if you're interested! I'll see how big a group could show up, see if its worth it! Thanks!

Or just a general fitness group like one day we'd walk, run, you name your idea. It would be for in the evenings once a week perhaps, or on a weekend. Will have to see what pops up and go from there.


  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    hey! Currently living in New Zealand. However grew up in Winnipeg and just the fact that this thread had Winnipeg in it excited me lol. Hope you find some people :)
  • hayamhussein
    hayamhussein Posts: 3 Member
    Hi ninebark, do u mean Winnipeg in MB. Then I would be very interested