The Easy Way to Stop Smoking

dlobato1989 Posts: 36 Member
For those of you who smoke and are wanting to quit I highly recommend:
Allan Carr's book The Easy Way to Stop Smoking....

I read it and have been smoke free for 7 months... And it was just as he said it would be... EASY.

No withdrawls. No weight gain. I can still be around smokers and instead of wanting one I am happy that I dont smoke anymore.. It was the best decision I ever made. His strategy is basically taking away all the brainwashing etc that come with smoking and replacing it with a new insight.

I figured I'd post my success story here in hopes it could help someone else better their health.
Buy the book its like 8 dollars and a couple 100 pages long... Took me like 4 hours to read... He even tells you not to stop smoking until you finished the book. If you buy the book and it doesn't work for you(which it has helped millions) well you lost nothing but if it does you have everything to gain.


  • dlobato1989
    dlobato1989 Posts: 36 Member
    I have tried other methods before...and they were not easy however with his book it was easy...and many others who have read it say the same thing. Congrats on you 2 for quitting as well.
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    I quit several times as well ....I quit for 9 months when I was preggo with my daughter but as soon as she was born I started again....nothing helped me kick the habit until I read that awesome book by Alan Carr :)
  • dlobato1989
    dlobato1989 Posts: 36 Member
    It is such an amazing book! I wish every smoker would just read it. They spend so much money on NRTs and for just like 8 bucks they could read a book and be free.
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    I saw the price for cigs is going up to 8.00 a pack for name brands and 6.00 for generic brands here is California on April 1st ...that is some crazy *kitten* ..sooooooooo glad I quit
  • YvetteK2015
    YvetteK2015 Posts: 654 Member
    I quite 10 years ago. At the time, the brand I was smoking was $6 a pack. But they where making my migraines so much worse, so in that sense it was easy to quite.
  • ItsSlimpossible12
    ItsSlimpossible12 Posts: 127 Member
    I'm going to look into this. Thanks for posting. Cigarettes here in Chicago are $14 a pack!
  • dlobato1989
    dlobato1989 Posts: 36 Member
    Thats crazy! I really hope the book works for you!
  • BaddS4
    BaddS4 Posts: 302 Member
    I was a pack a day smoker for 30 years... Gave it up a few years back and haven't have one since.. Mind you, I went to vaping.. I still vape but soon that will be finished as well...
  • Windrunner666
    Windrunner666 Posts: 91 Member
    So...what is the book about?
  • danika2point0
    danika2point0 Posts: 197 Member
    I did the Allen Carr clinic and it's awesome! Best money I've ever spent. I'd recommend it to anyone wanting to quit.
  • dlobato1989
    dlobato1989 Posts: 36 Member
    He just brainwashes you out of why you think you have to smoke... In all reality there isnt an actual reason why someone has to continue smoking... The book is very repetitive and i think that plays a huge role in getting it to sink in... Then towards the end of the book something just clicks and you become excited about quitting... It was pretty insane i went into reading the book a bit skeptical however i read the reviews and for the most part it helped everyone quit... They all claim something just clicked... When he tells you at the end of the book to smoke your final cigarette i didnt even really want to... But i did and i have never looked back.
  • dlobato1989
    dlobato1989 Posts: 36 Member
    BaddS4 wrote: »
    I was a pack a day smoker for 30 years... Gave it up a few years back and haven't have one since.. Mind you, I went to vaping.. I still vape but soon that will be finished as well...

    He is totally against replacements... And he explains why... I recommend you give the book a read... You wont regret it.
  • EllaLeahB
    EllaLeahB Posts: 310 Member
    Congratulations! I just made a post the other day about quitting it's almost been a year for me. Non-smokers unite! Isn't one of the best decisions ever? :)
  • dlobato1989
    dlobato1989 Posts: 36 Member
    Def the best decision i ever made!
  • dlobato1989
    dlobato1989 Posts: 36 Member
    Congrats on quitting!
  • eblyth00
    eblyth00 Posts: 131 Member
    BaddS4 wrote: »
    I was a pack a day smoker for 30 years... Gave it up a few years back and haven't have one since.. Mind you, I went to vaping.. I still vape but soon that will be finished as well...

    He is totally against replacements... And he explains why... I recommend you give the book a read... You wont regret it.

    Vaping helps tons of people though. Makes it so easy to switch with a proper setup. I was able to quit with vaping. And kept lowering the nicotine lvl in the juice until it was no nicotine. Now I vape in social setting like bars but I never crave it or need it. I also make my own juices build my own coils and wicks so it only cost me a dollar or less a month.
  • FabianMommy
    FabianMommy Posts: 78 Member
    11 years smoke free and I believe it was this gentleman who said ' never ever take another puff.' it worked for me!
  • mbosco88m
    mbosco88m Posts: 13 Member
    I'll second the recommendation for this book. Over 5 years smoke free now and it was easy. The book takes the dread out of quitting and makes the experience better than I could have expected.
  • toddandwendy3
    toddandwendy3 Posts: 32 Member
    I read it and quit. Then started again. Dam mit. I suppose I could try rereading it.
  • SashEdwards
    SashEdwards Posts: 78 Member
    Congrats to everyone. I quit last February after 21 years smoking - quit a few times before too but never stuck. I quit this time cold turkey - with a little help from upstairs I think. I bought the book years ago - and I think I only read to maybe chapter 2.....I never gave it the time of day, but I guess I wasn't truly ready. One thing I will say is I wish I didn't have the weight gain lol as to be honest that's why I'm here. But - it was a great decision, have saved a TON of money ($16 a pack-ish), feel better. It was easier than I thought, but still never easy - I found it hardest between 4-8 months in. I didn't want the replacement just because I know me - addictive personality. I smoked cigarello's/cigars during that time to get me over but only socially when drinking - and surprisingly didn't have any urge to smoke cigarettes or to start smoking again. I think that was just more habit too, but that's even going away now and don't find it tempting to smoke when drinking. I think we all experience it differently and all that matters is we did it, somehow and some way. Congrats and high fives to all of us!!! :)
  • bertygriffith
    bertygriffith Posts: 48 Member
    Going to order this book! I've quit and started back up about a half dozen times over the years. Thanks for the info!
  • kaizaku
    kaizaku Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited March 2017
    It comes down to will power. I'm aware everyone is different but you can do it. My father who is almost in his mid 70's use to smoke but quitted. Been 10+ years or so.

    I remember another elderly man who use to smoke 80cigs aday but quitted. He was in his 60's, smoked most of his life.

    Cutting down is the best way about it. Although I'm not a smoker.
  • dlobato1989
    dlobato1989 Posts: 36 Member
    The thing about will power is you will always be miserable always wanting it but cant have it.... He talks about willpower as well and with his method it takes zero willpower. So you become a happy non smoker rather than fighting against it you find that you dont have to fight. You just dont want it. So you are happy rather than miserable... Knowing that there is absolutely nothing to give up there is zero willpower needed.
  • Windrunner666
    Windrunner666 Posts: 91 Member
    I think you just need a good pneumonia for a week or two to ditch it. Worked like a charm and it costed me like 0 bucks.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,665 Member
    Thank you for the info, I'm still smoking & will buy the book. I do make my own, so It's not that expensive
  • dlobato1989
    dlobato1989 Posts: 36 Member
    I have not read it. My problem is i undereat not overeat and i would think his book helped with overeating. But MFP and OMAD seem to be working wonders for me... 20lbs down in 4 weeks...
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