It's my Birthday Present to me ...

Hello all; I just turned 55 yesterday and my gift to myself is a better lifestyle. I've been abusing myself with too much food and wine for far too long. I'm going to get back into hiking and geocaching which I used to love so much. I'm going to eat more vegetables. I'm going to watch less TV. These have been my struggle lately. Well that's a start anyway. Baby steps in the right direction can only help. I'd also love some friends. I'm a tubby grandmother of two who has about 90 lbs to lose (Although my focus is more on feeling better than it is a number on the scale) Let me know if you want to be MFP Pals.


  • mypersonalstruggle
    mypersonalstruggle Posts: 3 Member
  • BaddS4
    BaddS4 Posts: 302 Member
    Welcome and Happy Birthday!!! I know the struggle all too well.. I too drank like a fish and was (still am a foodie)
    You did great by starting.. Now you just have to follow through.. You can do this!! I did it.. I lost 90 pounds a while back (gained back 30) so I'm trying something different this time and back on the journey once again... Feel free to add me.. I have an open diary and log daily!!
    Best of luck in your journey.. It's worth every minute of it!!!
  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    Welcome. I made the commitment when I turned 50. As you said "baby steps" has been the key for me.
  • mypersonalstruggle
    mypersonalstruggle Posts: 3 Member