Does this sound right?

I've been eating 2300 calories a day and maintaining weight. I would like to lose some body fat so conventional wisdom says I should cut 500 calories a day. Does this seem to low? It seems low to me. I'm 38 5'11 220 if that helps. Thanks for the advice in advance


  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    edited March 2017
    Yes, it seems low.

    Need a bit more info, though. Do you exercise? What type?

    I'm 42, female, 5'9", 172 lbs, and losing slowly on ~2000 calories per day (using a food scale and insuring my calorie intake). I lift heavy 5X week.
  • centurion1978
    centurion1978 Posts: 7 Member
    When eating at 2300 my exercise consisted of two days heavy lifting one day work capacity (similar to cross fit) and one day endurance. Like I said that caused me to maintain weight although I did seem to be losing body fat and getting leaner, unfortunately I can't confirm that because I didn't get regular bf checks.