MFP on Apple Watch

MrsSeager Posts: 82 Member
edited March 2017 in Fitness and Exercise
Does anyone use this app on an Apple Watch? I don't always carry my phone with me and I'm finding it challenging to accurately log my activity level. I am all about convenience, so if the MFP syncs automatically from the Watch to my phone then that would be great! If you use the Watch, can you tell me whether the tracking has been reliable for you? And what other features does the Watch MFP have?


  • MrsSeager
    MrsSeager Posts: 82 Member
    UPDATE: New features on the MFP app for Apple Watch. You can now add water intake, quick add calories. Also improved, nutrients section! My watch also syncs my workouts directly to the MFP app, so I don't have to take time to log work outs.