Couch to 5k

So I've been using the app on my iPhone. So far it's been pretty good. I do have a few questions though. How do you input that into your cardio? Should I just add the walking and running seperately? Also, how do you guys deal with knee pain? I work on my feet all day and always have, I love to hike, and I can walk ten miles no problem. But as soon as I start to jog/run it's killing me!


  • fromnebraska
    fromnebraska Posts: 153 Member
    Are you wearing proper running shoes and were you fitted for your running shoes by someone who knows what they are doing?
  • Four_Leaf_Clover
    Four_Leaf_Clover Posts: 332 Member
    Ditto on checking your shoes - should be well fitting running shoes.

    I use a HRM and just log it for time/calories burned (I enter it as run/walk intervals)

    I would be concerned that you are having so much knee pain. Do you run on sidewalks or a treadmill?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    1) Invest in a decent HRM if you want a reasonable estimation of calories burned...just remember that it's still and estimate.

    2) You need to go to an actual running specific store and get fitted for proper running shoes. They will take video of you and check your gait and whether you over pronate, are neutral, or under pronate and fit you accordingly. Shoes are extremely important for running and make all of the difference when it comes to knee pain, hip pain, ankles, etc.
  • lmurphy15
    lmurphy15 Posts: 5
    I'm mainly on a treadmill. I have not yet gone to a running store, I will definitely do that. Sometimes I find it hard to spend money when I already have something I think will work. I'm cheap haha. Growing up I always stood with my knees bent slightly backwards. I know, it's really really strange. It just felt comfortable to me for some odd reason. I'm thinking maybe that had some impact. Thanks guys, I'm gonna be making a trip to the store later.