Love the name, fighting the 40s.

The 40s are a whole new experience. Everything about my body is changing from my fitness to my metabolism to my mood.
I still feel 30 and desperately want my body to respond the same


  • seth8a
    seth8a Posts: 3 Member
    This is what I've found, also. EVERYTHING seems to have changed, it is was accelerated by a severe concussion I received in an accident a few years ago. The best thing to do is try to flow with it, as we will never feel like we are 30 again. This is one of the reason I'm striving toward being as lean as possible. I would recommend the book "Full Catastrophe Living" by John Cabot Zinn if you are looking toward being more mindful and accepting the changes in your body. I know it really helped me! But . . . I totally sympathize with this post.