Looking for an accountability

I'm trying to start this up again to get ahead of my health issues and would love someone to help keep my accountable on logging.


  • Nat97x
    Nat97x Posts: 19 Member
    Hey there, add me if you'd like! We can keep each other accountable :)
  • johnw83
    johnw83 Posts: 6,219 Member
    please add me as a freins to happy to help
  • bionerdgirl
    bionerdgirl Posts: 11 Member
    Of course! I actually really like logging it helps the process become a bit more active for me. I especially like at the end of the day when I click the 'complete diary' button and it tells me where I could be 5 weeks from today if I stay on track.
  • cprbrat17
    cprbrat17 Posts: 20 Member
    I would help. I actually been looking for the same sort myself
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Seriously -- how can ANYONE but YOURSELF keep you accountable? ... No one can come over and take the food away from you when you overeat or make decisions for you, or make you log into your food diary ... Tou have got to do that yourself! All we can do is encourage you to do it. We can also share our own downfalls and tell you that the way to do it is just to pick up and go on ... taking each day, even each meal, each moment at a time! Good luck. Find the fortitude within yourself ... it's your life, it's your journey.
  • kaizaku
    kaizaku Posts: 1,039 Member
    Feel free to send request ☺
  • snowboardermom
    snowboardermom Posts: 21 Member
    I will support you! It really does help to have Friends who get what it's like and it's fun to catch up with them on MFP which keeps you coming back to the App!