Getting back on track

Hi there fellow calorie counters. I am very stressed out in this last year. I sold my house and am living in a rental and building a new house. I ate out a lot and gained probably 20 pounds this last year. I feel terrible and my clothes don't fit well if at all on some of them! I used a calorie count a few years ago and lost 45 pounds. I know it does work for me and makes me responsible for everything that goes into my mouth. I am starting the South beach diet in this first 2 weeks (don't be too critical), but it has worked for me to jump start my diet. Getting rid of the sugars in my system is a good start for me. I found that it got rid of the cravings for things like bread and pasta (all the things that got me to this point of self destruction). I am a nurse and I feel really bad gaining the weight and I should know better, but stress has a way of destroying all your rational thoughts. I have to be accountable and I'm glad I found this online tool again.