Bench press increased and is now decreasing?



  • evilokc
    evilokc Posts: 262 Member
    I hadn't done a flat bench in several years because I work out alone. I got together with a couple of guys from work and we decided to do a heavy bench day once a week. my initial single rep max was 250lbs. we do heavy doubles (5sets), negatives (3x5), a big drop set (1 set) , and clusters. heavy dumbbell flat (5x3), heavy dumbbell incline (5x3). we have done six workouts so far and each of us has gained to the point we are doing the doubles with more than our initial single rep max. while some of the weight increase in due to getting more comfortable in the movement I would say that the majority of the gain is from the negatives and clusters. if you aren't familiar with clusters check them out. they are very good. CLUSTER- with your current max weight you do a single rep. sit up and rest for about 30 seconds and repeat your single rep. do this for 5 reps per set. good luck man. you got this.