questions on nutritional planning or supplementation?

Hi ladies and gents,

I'm here to help answer and provide guidance on questions around nutritional planning and supplementation advice. If I do not have tangible, referenced material I will politely advise that I'm unable to answer your question though will do my best to point you in the right direction. Why take advice from me? - I'm a 30 year old male, I've been training seriously for over 6 years primarily within weightlifting, cross-fit and bodybuilding. I have been involved in the body building circuit for the majority of my 'gym career' thus have worked with both males and females of various body types and compositions. I have taken my love for fitness to the next level and in October of 2015 started my Diploma in Nutritional Science with a focus on Bio-genetics, Biochemistry and Sports Nutrition.

There is no question to basic, I encourage an open forum.

I look forward to your questions :smile:


  • 49erDude51
    49erDude51 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm on a low income budget now that I'm medically retired from the Army. Where can I go to find cheap and simple daily meal plans to achieve a 1500 calorie / 188 carb / 50 fat / 75 protein / 2300 protein / 56 sugar goal?
  • ifbblinds
    ifbblinds Posts: 12 Member
    49erDude51 wrote: »
    I'm on a low income budget now that I'm medically retired from the Army. Where can I go to find cheap and simple daily meal plans to achieve a 1500 calorie / 188 carb / 50 fat / 75 protein / 2300 protein / 56 sugar goal?

    firstly thank you for your service. secondly, I feel you have a few options available at budget. I spend $80-$100 per 7 day week and I eat 6 meals daily consisting of chicken breast x2, red meat x1, white fish x2 and egg whites x1, all for competition bodybuilding purposes. I am on just over 4000cal/day though still able to maintain and lose weight as the 4000cal are healthy and balanced. I would suggest (assuming you have worked out your macro count correctly), you be flexible and try a IIFYM. all you need to do for this is sit down with a pad and pen and look at different food online, literally just type in google how much protein in chicken breast, look at sources of protein that you like, look a the weight and P/C/F value and make a spreadsheet, replicate this over types of fats, types of carbs, all the foods you like and you have yourself a designer nutritional plan, if you get sick of once particular meal change it out using the macro break down of that meal, each meal with have its own marco breakdown i.e. 230g of protein divide say 5 meals is 46g per meal which in my opinion is very high, you just need to make sure what ever protein you supplement in your meal (chicken, meat, fish, eggs, tuna, tofu) must be around 46g.

    my only point on IIFYM is that its not realistic to fit a tub of ice cream into your diet ever day or few days just because it 'fits' just be conscious to eat 5-6 days good and on the 7th if you feel you have been working really hard then 'fit' that tub of ice-cream in. Also you have your marco already, I would for 1 week eat how you think you should, use the MFP app to scan in and record all your food and you will see if it is on track or not, you will see how out your macro count is. After the first week then tweek it slightly until you find a healthy balance. Do not try and hard cut or make changes as you will not enjoy the change and feel it is more a diet than nutritional plan.

    As always keeping a healthy life style includes exercise, factor in on your training days you will expel around 500-700cal min, on your non training days you may need to be sure you don't go over your cal limit. I would aim for 3 solid meals and 2 snacks or if your training is intense 4 meals and a snack.

    Feel free to put something together then PM me and i'd be happy to make some suggestions. The reason I have opted for this option in this case is that I feel you are not asking for a strict diet to compete or cut weight for a competition, rather a flexible daily meal plan that allows you to eat healthy, keep in shape though also enjoy what you re eating. IIFYM is the best way to incorporate all of those factors.

    I hope that has helped, feel free to reach out if you need clarification or what to follow up
  • JoshGouvisis
    JoshGouvisis Posts: 98 Member
    Hey i have a question, and was interested it what you might recommend.

    Ive been hit in 2 separate car accidents a year apart from each other in the last 2 years. At this point, i have been told i may have a left sprained rotator cuff, and compressed disks from C1 - C7 of my neck. (Basically upper and lower neck.) No said date on when i could be released from therapy. Im hoping the next 4 to 6 months. Ive been told im weight restricted and can not lift anything more than 40lbs max.

    I also have a partially torn acl on my right knee, that i can not have surgically repaired unless i am recovered from my accident treatment. To be full recovered post surgery in therapy, my therapist said it could take 9-12 months before im fully recovered.

    That being said, i am 5'5", and 180lbs. Id say my body fat is in the mid 20%. Haven't had any exact measurements to know the exact percentage.

    What would you suggest trying to reduce my body fat as much as possible, without any kind of exercise aside from daily everyday walking?

    Ive been eating more towards a keto style diet, and maybe eat about 30-35g of carbs twice, maybe 3 times a week mid afternoon. I usually avg about 700-1,200 calories.

    Any help or recommendations would be appreciated.


  • Ocean_Breezy
    Ocean_Breezy Posts: 55 Member
    Plan and prep the food is more natural than supplement.
  • mrsduckforever
    mrsduckforever Posts: 2 Member
    I need help figuring the best macros and calorie intake I would need at my activity level and exercise level.

    Right now I weigh about 133-136, 5'5, and I'm a female hence the forever fluctuating weight. I work at a restaurant about 6 hours 5 days a week so I'm constantly walking around. Then I usually go to the gym 4-5 times a week and do about 1-1.5 hours of lifting. I vary it so that some days I try to push my pr's and other days I keep it on lower weight and push for higher sets and reps.

    I'm actually trying to "maintain" so I've added some cardio in ( at least 20 mins for 3 days). I used to weigh 123, did a long hard bulk and got to 139-141 and gained some fat. And that brings me to my current weight now. I'd like to lightly shred some of the fat off so I can reveal more muscle definition but I'm also scared of losing my hard earned gains from doing cardio and lowering my calorie intake.

    Any advice on what I should do?