when your spouse is not supportive.



  • missmagnoliablossom
    missmagnoliablossom Posts: 240 Member
    zigzag423 wrote: »
    Yeah that's how I feel how can he love me when I don't. I hate looking in the mirror and I'm so uncomfortable in my skin. So self conscious. It's debilitating at times.

    I think it sounds like some couples counseling would do you both good in this instance. Do you think he'd be open to that?
  • cottontail504
    cottontail504 Posts: 3 Member
    I know exactly what you mean! My boyfriend is so blind and clueless to my weight issues. We're both big and have been all our lives. He loves my body and doesn't see how heavy I really am. I've found support in friends. I'm just starting this journey over so wish me luck!
  • zigzag423
    zigzag423 Posts: 18 Member
    I totally wish you luck. You can do it !
  • Ocean_Breezy
    Ocean_Breezy Posts: 55 Member
    So they say, until you lose a lot of weight and they love you "more". My bf doesn't really watch what he eats and wants to eat out a lot. It's hard but even when we go out to eat it's about portion control or making healthy choices. Anything with cheese is my weakness. Not easy for a Mexican like me. We put queso on everything.
  • zigzag423
    zigzag423 Posts: 18 Member
    Mine likes to eat biscuits and gravy,bacon,eggs etc for breakfast. Things I don't care for. Plus he loves eating out . I don't care for fast food it's crap food and not worth it. It's a struggle he does all the cooking. He loves cooking. I just try to eat smaller portions but then I'm hungry later. Ugh