Switching running shoes

When I started a c25k program back in Feb., I was a heel striker but I have slowly changed to a mid/fore strike. I decided to try out a different type of shoe which is supposed to be geared more for the mid/fore strike. I have noticed the perceived effort is greater with the new shoes, and I tire more quickly. I have also noticed I engage my core more as well as engage different muscles in my legs.

Anyone experience the same thing when switching shoes? Is there really any way to switch from one type of shoe to another without as much "shock" to the system. It feels like I'm starting over again.


  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Assuming you mean you have switched to a low/zero drop type shoe, no there is not an easy way. It is pretty much starting over again, but it is very much worth it in the long run.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Did you switch to a more minimalist shoe? If so give it time. It took me about 3-4 months until the soreness went away. But now my form is so much better and I"m much faster.
  • cococa
    cococa Posts: 122 Member
    Exact same experience switching. I've decided to rotate. I wear my new shoes on shorter runs, and my old shoes on long runs. I'm building more distance/endurance in my new shoes every week. It's tough, but I do notice that I'm now getting faster and faster.
    FUELERDUDE Posts: 150 Member
    I did switch to a low drop shoe.

    I was thinking of wearing my old shoes and mixing in the new ones a bit more. Hopefully this will help with muscle imbalance I have on my qauds (upper legs.). My outer upper legs have more muscle than other parts to the point where it kind of looks like I'm bow legged. I think it could help with knee soreness that pops up for me from time to time if those muscles become more balanced.

    I did notice my pace is quicker in the new shoes, it's just I tire much more quickly in them and it's hard to slow down.