
Hi! My name is Tiffany and I am 31. This is not my 1st time around the bush and I pray its my last! I have had an eating disorder for half of my life. I mindlessly snack (on salty things and sweets) lots of sweets! A little over 1 year ago i was diagnosed as pre-diebetic..thinking of poking myself with needles-like my Grandma does-for the rest of my life scared me! So Jan 2016 I decided I was going to do it. I made it til June 2016 and stopped. Idk why...i just did. I had lost over 8 inches off of my belly and 35 lbs. I was halfway to goal. Fast forward to now and i have gained all of my weight back plus 10 lbs. I started at a gym 2 weeks ago. I work out 3 days a week doing 1 hr on the elliptical and on my other days i do 30 elliptical and 30 strength training. My personal trainer has a calorie set for me at 2050 per day. Btw...i am 279 lbs currently. I do great during the day and work week. I find that my bad times (as always in the past) are evenings at home and weekends. Having done WW in the past, I have learned to not restrict myself from foods,or i will gorge. Its not a "diet"it is a lifestyle change. But i dont want to go back. I want to do it this time. If i stay within calories or go 200 over here and there by eating snacks i am scared to come to a halt. I guess i just need friends and motivational support. I know how to do this....i just need to stop quitting!


  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Hi Tiffany :smiley: Welcome back!
  • mary_clinton6
    mary_clinton6 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi! I'm mary, 23, a nurse, and wanting to lose weight for myself and so I can feel better when working with my patients. I often have patients who are pre diabetic or are diabetic and have to provide education. Having to make lifestyle changes myself and probably verging on pre diabetes, I totally understand how hard it can be. I am AMAZED you stuck with it for as many months as you did. You should be proud. Be proud you keep trying as well. I keep snacking thru the day but most at night.. if I'm busy busy, I wont. When I have any spare time is when I do... if you want, im open to messaging or texting at night to try and keep eachother on track. It'd help me a lot too. I eat when my hands and mind aren't both busy. Even right now, at work, i'm drinking soda and eating chocolate..... taking each day at a time..