Always growling hunger on 1100 cals?



  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    The protein I've got covered in my yogurt and 3 ounce portions of meat besides my veges celery etc. 1100 call was recommend by and has been successful but slow going keep gaining back water weight so don't want to risk the 1200 cals. I eat my protein and currently also low carb

    Fine. But what was recommended by MFP when you filled out your profile page at the start? It is never suggested to go below 1200 as a bare minimum.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    As others have said, that is way too low, even if you were in a coma they would probably feed you more than that. I lost weight successfully on 1600 and I didn't have 100lb to lose.
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Is there any way that your water weight gain is linked to salt intake?

    I personally am finding that it is possible to lose at a very reasonable rate with a 1200-1300 calorie goal. I am averaging about 2 pounds per week, eating a balanced diet of fruit, vegetables, a little meat, and some grain. I even manage to have a glass of wine or a dark chocolate cookie on a daily basis. Some days I may go a little under the 1200, but tried to stay right about there. I don't think that I could stay as motivated with only 1100 calories.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited March 2017
    Eating 1100 would make anyones tummy more.
    You need to think on the bigger picture, take weight loss slow and steady and lose in a healthy and sustainable way.
  • Steff46
    Steff46 Posts: 516 Member
    hmmm.......this may be a con. Too many unanswered posts ;)
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    The minimum recommended calories for women is 1200 and 1500 for men so you fuel your body and get enough nutrition.
    If you are hungry and lightheaded eating below the minimum recommendation then it would be a very good idea to rethink what you are doing before you damage yourself.
    You can eat a lot more than that and lose 1-2 lb a week safely and sustainably. Get a calorie goal from MFP.
    Don't compare your loss with other people.
  • SammiG01
    SammiG01 Posts: 105 Member
    I would pick up a vegetable to munch but nervous the 30 some calories per serving will set my weight loss back if I go over that 1100

    If you're nervous about 30 calories then I'd be worried that you have lost perspective. Have you and your hubby considered seeking out a registered dietician? Your body is telling you loud and clear that it is not getting what it needs to function in a healthy way. Please listen to it.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I would pick up a vegetable to munch but nervous the 30 some calories per serving will set my weight loss back if I go over that 1100

    Think about the math on this..........

    3500 calories / 30 = 116.67 - that means adding 30 calories you would lose 1 pound less every 116 days!

    Bumping your calories up to 1200 (a very common default minimum) would set you back 1 pound every 35 days.

    Is risking your health really worth it for 1 extra pound in 35 days?
  • HeliumIsNoble
    HeliumIsNoble Posts: 1,213 Member
    @hopebillups if you are still around, please reassess your diet. I noticed your diary was open, and you have been grossing 500-odd calories per day. That isn't enough to fuel your most basic organs, like your heart.

    Read the following, please:

    I understand you will feel this isn't relevant to you, as you aren't underweight yet, but it really is. This is why anorexics develop heart problems, and if you continue to eat at starvation rations, it could affect you too.
    Anorexia and the Heart

    Here are four broad patterns in which the heart is affected with both short- and long-term exposure to anorexia nervosa:

    1. Loss of heart muscle. Just like the skeletal muscles in your arms and legs that you can see, the heart muscle loses mass. In patients with longstanding anorexia the heart walls thin and weaken. The heart chambers then enlarge. The pumping function of the heart declines and with it, blood pressure falls. Organs that are very sensitive to blood pressure and blood flow such as the kidneys and liver then begin to fail. Fortunately with weight gain and replenishment of essential vitamins and minerals the heart muscle often recovers.

    2. Abnormal heart rhythms. A number of abnormal heart rhythms can occur with anorexia. One is that the heart beats slowly, a pattern called bradycardia. This is a particular problem in people who have weak heart muscles. Normally if the heart function weakens and less blood is pumped with each beat, the heart has to increase the number of beats per minute to maintain the same average blood flow. With anorexia, if the energy stores in the heart are so depleted that the heart rhythm cannot increase to compensate for a weakened heart failure, blood pressure falls more quickly and organ failure develops rapidly.

    Another concern is fast abnormal heart rhythms. People tend to be most sensitive to these types of rhythms if they follow a pattern of binge eating and purging. This can result in dangerous shifts and loss of body electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium. The electrical aspects of the heart that create heartbeats are critically dependent on these electrolytes. When they fall, chaotic electrical patterns can develop in the lower heart chambers that result in cardiac arrest.

    3. Loss of the autonomic regulation of the heart and blood vessels. Our bodies do a lot of things that we are unaware of to help us function. For example, the simple act of sitting or standing requires multiple complex changes in the body. Among these are constricting of the blood vessels to raise blood pressure, and a subtle elevation of the heart rate and contractility of the heart. In people with anorexia these reflexes can be impaired or lost. This can result in profound drops in blood pressure when attempting to sit, stand, or walk. People with anorexia can experience severe lightheadedness, fainting spells, and even cognitive changes.

    4. Mitral valve prolapse. The heart valve between the upper and lower chambers on the left side of the heart is called the mitral valve. It closes when the lower heart chamber contracts to pump blood throughout the body. The changes in the heart muscle mass compared the structure of the heart valve can affect the closing of the valve. The mitral valve then can close less tightly and prolapse into the upper heart chamber. In people with anorexia about 20 percent will have mitral valve prolapse. Unfortunately, the heart valve condition appears to persist even after weight gain.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    I would pick up a vegetable to munch but nervous the 30 some calories per serving will set my weight loss back if I go over that 1100
    You're unseat eating as it is. That website was terribly wrong. Put your stats into mfp and quit eating less than a toddler.

    You will not gain fat eating over 1100. We all have maintenance calories, and if we eat those, we maintain weight. To lose weight, we have to create a deficit which is created from the maintenance calories. What you're eating now is no way maintenance. No more harming yourself.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited March 2017
    Steff46 wrote: »
    hmmm.......this may be a con. Too many unanswered posts ;)

    Considering the website mentioned in the first post links directly to pain (edit paid... autocorrect fail awesome) diets.....perhaps. Not great advertisement for them, though. ;)
  • hopebillups
    hopebillups Posts: 5 Member
    Shooting for 1200 calories a day. We will see if I can convince my husband about the 1500, he was reluctant to go to 1200.
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