How do YOU get over "The Wall"?

Okay -- Here's my biggest challenge when it comes to weight loss.
No matter how much I weigh, I can usually get down to 218 lbs very easily.

BUT...every time I get to 218 lbs, the weight loss stops!!
NO exceptions.

Then, no amount of dieting, working out, supplementation, crying or praying will get me below that benchmark.

So...I am looking for something I haven't tried yet.

"How do YOU get over The Weight Barrier Wall?

ADDED >> My longest period banging my head against this Wall was a little over 3 months. During that 14 week period, I:
--- Adjusted my diet in small increments, going all the way from primarily protein, to a good balance....from eating 1,800 calories a day - all the way down to only 500 calories a day - and then back up to about 2,000 calories a day. Constantly changing the composition of my food intake to see if any adjustment would make a positive difference. It didn't.
--- My workouts were constantly changing, utilizing elliptical machines, treadmills, fast runs, walks, bicycles, boxing workouts, martial arts workouts, P90X, and several others. I tried toning my workouts down to just three 30 minute sessions a week (thinking I was over-training)...and, at one point, I was doing two-hour workouts, six days a week, trying to break through this barrier. It didn't work. I tried fat burners. No luck.
** Here's the funny part >>> After more than 3 months of fighting against that Wall, I gave up and just started eating the way I did before I started "trying" to lose weight. I ate pizza, candy, chocolate, desserts, I ate large portions, I drank gallons of soda, buckets of buttered popcorn (my favorite) and my weight stayed within 3 lbs of 218 for the next 6 weeks. So, I had the same results OFF of any workout plan and diet that I did ON them. Funny, right?


  • suejonestx
    suejonestx Posts: 256 Member
    Basically, patience and a few, small changes. If you're truly eating within your calorie goal and exercising, a few weeks should make the difference (it's hard to wait that long when you're not seeing changes, I know!). A few other changes can help: change up your workout instead of walk, do different machines/exercises at the gym, try the elliptical/stair climber, change up your diet (different veggies, for example), and similar small changes. One other (last resort) trick might be to go off your diet (not too much, though) for a day. That can let your body know that you're not trying to starve!

    All that being said, I also have a barrier that I'm trying to get under, so best of luck to the both of us!!!
  • baggins706
    baggins706 Posts: 310
    If you haven't already...try some of the tips listed on this link!

    Hope this helps! Best of Luck to you!:flowerforyou:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I've been switching things up to see different results. I was mainly walking and doing the elliptical. Instead of the elliptical, I started running intervals and now I walk faster after my strength routines. I lift more weights than I was before and for longer periods of time. I was doing a circuit for my all over body. Now I do Ab Ripper X and Pilates. I also started swimming laps recently.

    I bought a heart rate monitor and food scale to make sure my calories in and out are both accurate. So ultimately... I'm tracking everything more accurately, I'm working out harder, and I also increased my base calories a couple months ago by 200 and am eating more exercise calories than I was before. It's worked so far!!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Okay -- Here's my biggest challenge when it comes to weight loss.
    No matter how much I weigh, I can usually get down to 218 lbs very easily.

    BUT...every time I get to 218 lbs, the weight loss stops!!
    NO exceptions.

    Then, no amount of dieting, working out, supplementation, crying or praying will get me below that benchmark.

    So...I am looking for something I haven't tried yet.

    "How do YOU get over The Weight Barrier Wall?

    Sounds like you are hitting a plateu and stopping, it takes persistance and realizing that even though I am not losing weight maybe, this new way of eating is better for my body and gotta keep pushing, your body will lose weight, maybe try new exercises, look at your cals eaten, maybe you arent lowering your calories enough. Just keep at it.-
  • sunqween21
    sunqween21 Posts: 19
    Depending on where you started, your calories may need to be adjusted. Change up the workouts, eat clean, and make sure your eating enough. If none of that helps, I recommend having a full work up with your practioner. Good Luck!!
  • PaulaDygert
    PaulaDygert Posts: 148 Member
    I am the same when I get down to 176 so I am interested in what others have to say also. Thanks for sharing :)
  • bgriffin73
    bgriffin73 Posts: 12
    Good Article Baggins!
  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    PaulaDygert - I looked at your food diary after you mentioned that you have the same issue. You are showing that you will have eaten 7 pieces of bread today! Wow! If you cut that in half, that alone would help you with your goals.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    PaulaDygert - I looked at your food diary after you mentioned that you have the same issue. You are showing that you will have eaten 7 pieces of bread today! Wow! If you cut that in half, that alone would help you with your goals.

    Yeah cutting out gluten helped me, as well as eat stop eat. I was able to get beyond my 125 wall, but I find that now I just get comfortable and lazy beyond 124 and my wall becomes mental. I have to remember to keep going full steam until I reach my goa
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