Muscle building/ Basic question

JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
edited March 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
So iv been at a defecit a long time, I walk but havent been lifting besides at work. Im down 90 pounds so im sure most my muscle is likely gone and the damage is done, besides in my legs. I have 20 pounds to my goal and have decided even though im still in a defecit and unable to build muscle im going to start basic lifting and some pilates.

At worst i just get into the maintenance/bulk routine i plan to have after my loss, And maybe minimize my last bit of muscle loss. I figure ill add a few hundred calories a day and maybe slow my loss a bit to help out, Would that even be worth doing if im still in a defecit would it be beter to just stay at my defecit finish sooner and then add the calories for a bulk after?

Also how many days/hours a week should i aim to get in of pilates and lifting kettlebells? Would it be worth doing more if im still in a defecit will more even be beneficial? I know its going to be extra hard and im willing to put in the work needed i just need help finding what that would be

edit: i know im on a defecit but i also walk a TON and my legs are pretty strong, Do you think squats and stuff would actually build muscle in my butt on a defecit since i walk 10-12 miles a day? surely there has to be some amoutn of activity that will build muscle still on a defecit. Especially if theres alot of muscle to build on?
