Night eating/binging



  • jessicagreen1828
    jessicagreen1828 Posts: 133 Member
    Try calling a friend when you want to binge. Sometimes loneliness triggers me. Or go to bed earlier?
  • tlw7
    tlw7 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions. It's just such a strong craving to eat-anything. I don't keep 'bad' foods in my house but that doesn't matter. It's the toughest struggle to get one full good day in. Then I can usually keep going..except I'd like for that to become habit bc I tend to fall bk off after a few days, couple of weeks, even made it a few months one time!
  • DannyYMi54321
    DannyYMi54321 Posts: 77 Member
    I've been eating in the middle of the night, I can do fine all day; I don't sleep soundly, often my dog needs to go out and wakes me so I'm rarely not up at least once a night.

    I have always struggled with BED and other issues which make it more challenging. I'm taking vyvanse - it wears off by night so physical hunger is also part of it.

    I've been regaining control lately and working hard on progressing. I think I am going to intentionally shift some calories/macros to night eating and prepackage appropriate servings. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
  • GottaluvFood
    GottaluvFood Posts: 65 Member
    edited April 2017
    I'm a binge eater, too. I have a particular time of day that I'm weaker, too. It's not bedtime, but it is a daily time that I'm likely to eat when I don't want to. It's a mind game. I've had to analyze so much about what & why. It's different for everyone.

    First we have to take a moment to consider if we are truly hungry. Binge eaters usually don't care about that little technicality. We'll eat so fast & so much so we won't think about whether we're hungry. First we have to slow down our actions & think about what we're doing. I've found bringing up MFP & log while I'm eating slows me down during snacking.

    In time, I've noticed which snacks fill me up. Strangely, a glass of milk has satisfied my desire to snack multiple times.

    Second, what if we aren't at all hungry? Knowing that doesn't curb the desire. We want what we want. This is going to be a longer fight. It takes a several weeks to break a habit. That becomes our goal. We have to will ourselves to the point where we break the habit of eating at bedtime, in front of the TV, at our computer, while cooking dinner...whatever the habit. Will power is the only answer to that...I think...
  • tlw7
    tlw7 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm wondering how long it would take to break this habit. Because I've had a few times when I was successful and thought that I might actually be done with binging!

    Anyways..last night was night 3 of not eating after dinner. Typically I'll still be hungry and eat a snack. I kept reminding myself that I wasn't hungry. Wish I'd see the scale move more in the direction I want!

    I was pretty frustrated yesterday morning bc I saw a number on the scale I haven't seen since I was pregnant. Ugh. Hoping I can keep this up and get to where I'm proud of my body and my relationship with food.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    tlw7 wrote: »
    I'm wondering how long it would take to break this habit. Because I've had a few times when I was successful and thought that I might actually be done with binging!

    Anyways..last night was night 3 of not eating after dinner. Typically I'll still be hungry and eat a snack. I kept reminding myself that I wasn't hungry. Wish I'd see the scale move more in the direction I want!

    I was pretty frustrated yesterday morning bc I saw a number on the scale I haven't seen since I was pregnant. Ugh. Hoping I can keep this up and get to where I'm proud of my body and my relationship with food.

    Have you considered speaking with a therapist about your issues?
  • tlw7
    tlw7 Posts: 41 Member
    I have. And I'd like to but I have a hard time finding someone I think would be fitting. Not sure how to fit the right person. It seems like most therapist 'specialize' in everything. If you have any tips I'd be open.