How do I get MFP to calculate calories burned from exercise

Hi. I'm new to the MFP community and still trying to find my way around the app. I have a question I hope someone can answer for me.

I found the screen where I can enter a new exercise along with how long I did it. So, for example, I entered that I walked for 30 minutes today. But then it asks for "calories burned" for that exercise session. The problem is that I don't know how many calories I burned. I thought that was one of the things that MFP would calculate for me. What am I missing here? I'd really appreciate any help understanding this function. Thanks!


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Did you search for it under cardio or try and create your own exercise? For it to give you the calories go under cardio - search walking - I believe you need to pick a speed - and then enter the time.
  • bee_bee8
    bee_bee8 Posts: 96 Member
    Are you using the app or the website? On the app, hit the little + at the bottom and select exercise. Type in "walking" and hit Search - you should get a bunch of options for how fast you were going. When you enter the time, it should populate the calories burned automatically.

    If you're using the website, similar steps - Go to the Exercise tab, type in Walking and click Search. Again, you should see a number of options to choose how fast you were walking. Click on one and enter the time spent, which again should enter the calories automatically. If it's not, or if it seems off, try re-entering the time spent. Sometimes the website can get a little fussy about populating the calories when entering workout times

    Good luck!