Anyone else had such an annoying night?

kclaar11 Posts: 162 Member
So, this all started when I went to get my haircut, and my hair stylist was telling me about her recurring Cellulitis. Her friend, who happened to be there, then jumped in to a 20 minute speech about how the Cellulitis keeps occuring because her liver and kidneys were clogged and her blood needed cleansed. She then began to tell her about all of the detoxes and vitamins/minerals that she needed to go buy from the "Healthy Living" store; I am pretty sure this list added up to a large amount of money.

After keeping my mouth shut through this whole ramble, I went to my fiancee's house to help her with some school work (she is a little younger and still in college). On her kitchen counter, I happened to see 3 bottles of Apple Cider Vinegar. When I asked, she told me her mom uses it for weight loss because it suppresses her appetite, and it is really working to help her lose weight. Not wanting to criticize my future mother-in-law, I then had to bite my tongue again as to not explain how ridiculous it was that she was doing that for weight loss.

This was my fun sort of night where I had to listen to explanations for two things that I find very outrageous and unnecessary. Has anyone else had to just sit silently and listen to stories about things they find outrageous in regards to health?


  • elizabethmcopeland
    elizabethmcopeland Posts: 167 Member
    my personal favorite is when people talk about how expensive it is to eat healthy, meaning it's not worth it to eat "conventional" vegetables. Everything needs to be organic? No.

    i've lost 20lbs: even though i'm eating more, my grocery bill has almost been halved. because i I don't care if it's organic. and yes, i try to eat local, too, which is arguably healthier for you than that "organic" label.

    we all want to blame someone or some secret. it's not a secret.

    work hard in the gym, eat less than you burn, don't eat [whatever MFP is going to bleep this to...], be a better version of yourself.

  • kclaar11
    kclaar11 Posts: 162 Member
    I forgot that part! In the middle of blood cleansing and detoxing speech, she mentioned how the government is basically poisoning us with all the chemicals and toxins they pump in to the food to the point that nothing we eat is natural. That is why she only eats meat and eggs from her own place otherwise she would be very unhealthy.
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    kclaar11 wrote: »
    So, this all started when I went to get my haircut, and my hair stylist was telling me about her recurring Cellulitis. Her friend, who happened to be there, then jumped in to a 20 minute speech about how the Cellulitis keeps occuring because her liver and kidneys were clogged and her blood needed cleansed. She then began to tell her about all of the detoxes and vitamins/minerals that she needed to go buy from the "Healthy Living" store; I am pretty sure this list added up to a large amount of money.

    After keeping my mouth shut through this whole ramble, I went to my fiancee's house to help her with some school work (she is a little younger and still in college). On her kitchen counter, I happened to see 3 bottles of Apple Cider Vinegar. When I asked, she told me her mom uses it for weight loss because it suppresses her appetite, and it is really working to help her lose weight. Not wanting to criticize my future mother-in-law, I then had to bite my tongue again as to not explain how ridiculous it was that she was doing that for weight loss.

    This was my fun sort of night where I had to listen to explanations for two things that I find very outrageous and unnecessary. Has anyone else had to just sit silently and listen to stories about things they find outrageous in regards to health?

    Not in regards to health but I've been put in uncomfortable situations with my church going brother. He doesn't realize he just pushes me further and further away from all of that. I want nothing to do with it.
  • TaymanL
    TaymanL Posts: 75 Member
    kclaar11 wrote: »
    I forgot that part! In the middle of blood cleansing and detoxing speech, she mentioned how the government is basically poisoning us with all the chemicals and toxins they pump in to the food to the point that nothing we eat is natural. That is why she only eats meat and eggs from her own place otherwise she would be very unhealthy.

    I mean she's not entirely wrong in that regard...
  • kclaar11
    kclaar11 Posts: 162 Member
    TaymanL wrote: »
    kclaar11 wrote: »
    I forgot that part! In the middle of blood cleansing and detoxing speech, she mentioned how the government is basically poisoning us with all the chemicals and toxins they pump in to the food to the point that nothing we eat is natural. That is why she only eats meat and eggs from her own place otherwise she would be very unhealthy.

    I mean she's not entirely wrong in that regard...

    Except for the fact there have been studies showing that GMO's are not as dangerous as perceived...
  • TaymanL
    TaymanL Posts: 75 Member
    kclaar11 wrote: »
    TaymanL wrote: »
    kclaar11 wrote: »
    I forgot that part! In the middle of blood cleansing and detoxing speech, she mentioned how the government is basically poisoning us with all the chemicals and toxins they pump in to the food to the point that nothing we eat is natural. That is why she only eats meat and eggs from her own place otherwise she would be very unhealthy.

    I mean she's not entirely wrong in that regard...

    Except for the fact there have been studies showing that GMO's are not as dangerous as perceived...

    Was referring moreso to hormones and additives. People have been genetically modifying crops for thousands of years so I agree with studies like those in that regard.
  • kclaar11
    kclaar11 Posts: 162 Member
    TaymanL wrote: »
    kclaar11 wrote: »
    TaymanL wrote: »
    kclaar11 wrote: »
    I forgot that part! In the middle of blood cleansing and detoxing speech, she mentioned how the government is basically poisoning us with all the chemicals and toxins they pump in to the food to the point that nothing we eat is natural. That is why she only eats meat and eggs from her own place otherwise she would be very unhealthy.

    I mean she's not entirely wrong in that regard...

    Except for the fact there have been studies showing that GMO's are not as dangerous as perceived...

    Was referring moreso to hormones and additives. People have been genetically modifying crops for thousands of years so I agree with studies like those in that regard.

    I haven't seen too many studies showing severely harmful additives are hormones; in fact, most I have seen seem to suggest that the harm is vastly over-inflated or ever non-existent. Then again, I am not arrogant enough to think I have seen or know everything so you could very well be right. I will just have to keep my eye open for more studies.
  • beagletracks
    beagletracks Posts: 6,034 Member
    Yes. Now I've just had one.
  • beagletracks
    beagletracks Posts: 6,034 Member
    Oh wait, wait, wait... In the course of conversation my sister-in-law suggested that a leading cause of gut problems is all the "gamma rays" our microwaves are shooting into our food.

    Perhaps the gamma rays are produced by aliens filming us from inside our microwaves. Not sure. I will just have to keep my eyes open for more research on this.
  • melissagonzalez365
    melissagonzalez365 Posts: 17 Member
    edited April 2017
    I know the feeling of being annoyed by everyone telling me about their methods on how to lose weight. Sometimes I just blurt out "stop eating junk and do exercise!" And then they say "nahhhh, that's not ganna work"
  • kclaar11
    kclaar11 Posts: 162 Member
    kclaar11 wrote: »
    So, this all started when I went to get my haircut, and my hair stylist was telling me about her recurring Cellulitis. Her friend, who happened to be there, then jumped in to a 20 minute speech about how the Cellulitis keeps occuring because her liver and kidneys were clogged and her blood needed cleansed. She then began to tell her about all of the detoxes and vitamins/minerals that she needed to go buy from the "Healthy Living" store; I am pretty sure this list added up to a large amount of money.

    After keeping my mouth shut through this whole ramble, I went to my fiancee's house to help her with some school work (she is a little younger and still in college). On her kitchen counter, I happened to see 3 bottles of Apple Cider Vinegar. When I asked, she told me her mom uses it for weight loss because it suppresses her appetite, and it is really working to help her lose weight. Not wanting to criticize my future mother-in-law, I then had to bite my tongue again as to not explain how ridiculous it was that she was doing that for weight loss.

    This was my fun sort of night where I had to listen to explanations for two things that I find very outrageous and unnecessary. Has anyone else had to just sit silently and listen to stories about things they find outrageous in regards to health?

    Just wait until you all get married.

    Thankfully, she typically listens to me about things when it comes to nutrition and exercise. I keep trying to bring her to this site to learn more, and I am constantly sending her articles and information. The only thing I can think as to why she thinks it works for appetite suppression is because the taste makes you so sick that you don't want to eat.
  • amyteacake
    amyteacake Posts: 768 Member
    I went on a keto diet last year for about a month or two with the help of my personal trainer and one of my friends who done it for a much shorter time complained about how it didn't work and she hated being on it. She kept listing all these things wrong with it even though I had stated all of my concerns to my pt and he constantly reassured me and gave me different booklets of what to do and more information of it. She still expected me to listen to her word over his