Crazy Canucks - July 7

TashaS Posts: 199 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Morning Canucks!

Another good week for me - down another 1.9lbs - getting closer and closer to my pre-pregnancy weight!!! YEAH!!!
This week I'm challenging myself to not snack on anything after 8pm. I've been able to do it most days but now I'm going to push for all days!

Hope everyone had a great Canada Day!


  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Hey Canadians!
    This week, not so good. Camping kinda messed my eating habits up . . . and havin some brewskies sure didnt help. The scale was being stupid and would change everytime that I stepped on this morning, so I estimating that I gained 3 pounds, more numbers were around 135 than not. Kind of a downer, but I started a challenge on the forum, July Challenge, that I have to burn 15,000 cal in the month of July and I am off to a great start. I think I'm just holding more liquid than normal, and i feel rank bloated so it takes about a week to get my body back into the regular routine. and I am getting up in the morning before work to exercise a bit to get me going, around 15 minutes on the elliptical.
    Hope everyone's week went well! Great weight loss Tasha!!:bigsmile:
    Go Canucks Go!:flowerforyou:
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Hello fellow Canadians!

    Had a bad week last week with visiting family and a bunch of margaritas, but held the weight gain to 2 pounds and it is all gone again, plus some this week. Motivation is strong as I am really seeing results in the mirror now and I bought a dress last week that was a L instead of the XXL I was a year ago. Also tried on a pair of size 14 jeans that fit but didn't look nice. But they did fit! Want to be down another 6 pounds by the end of the month for my house boating vacation. Hoping my loss will motivate my mother-in-law to start getting serious about weight loss. She had heart surgery last year and has put on another 30 pounds at least since then, and she was very heavy before. Good luck to all of you through the summer BBQ and beer season!

  • Krystled
    Krystled Posts: 58
    Hi Canadian!
    I thought the past weekend would be bad but I ended up 1lbs down from last week. I started a new start weight and goal at the end of June b/c I think I am going to finally take this getting healthy routine seriously! I just don't want it to consume my life. Heading to the lake this week and then my friends bridal shower on Sunday so I will have to keep my eating on check without MFP. more veggies and fruits then sweets and junk and I should be fine! see you all next week

    Go Canucks
  • TerraEarth
    TerraEarth Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Canadians!
    I am wondering if I can join you here?
    I joined this site on Sunday and have been really enjoying all the information, just looking for a place to fit in and a place to give and recieve support.
    I was told you weigh in on Wed's? Today I am down 1lb since Sunday!
    Now, I think I got my ticker/signature right... this is my first try so sorry if it is wrong.
  • lailouisa
    lailouisa Posts: 11
    Hi Fellow Canadians!!

    Sigh...I totally fell off the wagon for the past 2 weeks. Didn't help that it was birthday..I want to know what you guys do to help you stay on track? I go out for food every weekend and it's so hard to say no when everyone is ordering delicious high cal foods...
    I need motivation!!!!
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Hi Canadians!
    I am wondering if I can join you here?
    I joined this site on Sunday and have been really enjoying all the information, just looking for a place to fit in and a place to give and recieve support.
    I was told you weigh in on Wed's? Today I am down 1lb since Sunday!
    Now, I think I got my ticker/signature right... this is my first try so sorry if it is wrong.

    Hi! Yes, you are more than welcome to join our team.:bigsmile: We do weigh in every wednesday. Great weighloss since Sunday! Congrats!:flowerforyou: Ticker looks great!
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Hi Fellow Canadians!!

    Sigh...I totally fell off the wagon for the past 2 weeks. Didn't help that it was birthday..I want to know what you guys do to help you stay on track? I go out for food every weekend and it's so hard to say no when everyone is ordering delicious high cal foods...
    I need motivation!!!!

    You have to be able to say NO to unhealthy choices. It ok to say 'NO THANKS' when someone offers you a piece of cake. Say NO to heart disease and cancer. NO to type 2 diabetes. NO to an early death. This is what I heard on "Losing it with Jillian" this week, and it stuck in my head. You deserve to have a happy healthy life and what you put into your body makes all the difference. KNOWING this, is a huge motivation.
    Have mini rewards for yourself a long the way like a new pair of jeans, or a pedicure/manicure. (little motivations) Do not reward yourself with food if you want things to change. I would suggest reading as much as possible about eating healthier and exercising on this forum. Knowledge is power! You gain the power, and lose the weight! Also, go into the Success Stories thread and look at before and after pictures. That always gets me goin. You CAN do it! Believe me! If I can change my eating habits and exercise habits around, ANYONE can. Anything is possible!! Join a challenge goup, or weigh in with us . . . you need to be accountable to someone.
    My motivation right now is my trip to Cabo in two weeks. I want to look figgin awesome, so I make sure I am doing what I need to be doing. Plus i get my husband to push me when I need to be pushed. But if you need a push, I'll push you right into it. Get you butt going and DO something about it! If you want change, then do it! NO EXCUSES!!!!

    And that goes for all of you!!:bigsmile:
    Let's go Canada!!!
  • TashaS
    TashaS Posts: 199 Member
    Hi Canadians!
    I am wondering if I can join you here?
    I joined this site on Sunday and have been really enjoying all the information, just looking for a place to fit in and a place to give and recieve support.
    I was told you weigh in on Wed's? Today I am down 1lb since Sunday!
    Now, I think I got my ticker/signature right... this is my first try so sorry if it is wrong.

    Welcome to the group!! :flowerforyou:

    Down 1lb since Sunday is fantastic!! Not sure what time on Wed's - I usually do mine first thing in the morning, after the bathroom but before I have anything to eat or drink. You're ticker looks great!
  • TashaS
    TashaS Posts: 199 Member
    Hi Fellow Canadians!!

    Sigh...I totally fell off the wagon for the past 2 weeks. Didn't help that it was birthday..I want to know what you guys do to help you stay on track? I go out for food every weekend and it's so hard to say no when everyone is ordering delicious high cal foods...
    I need motivation!!!!

    I don't go out for food very often (just so I don't have that temptation there) but when I do I look up the menu of the restaurant before we go. Most restaurants have the nutritional information for their food online now - even McDonald's - which makes it easier to decide what I'm going to have BEFORE I get there.
  • TerraEarth
    TerraEarth Posts: 16 Member
    Jay_83 and TashaS,
    Thanks so much for the welcome!
  • TashaS
    TashaS Posts: 199 Member
    So I went to an Epicure party last night and may have over done it a bit... oops! :blushing:

    It wasn't horrible, I knew there would be lots of yummy (high fat) dishes there to snack on so I planned my day accordingly. I still over did it a bit, but everything was so delicious! Until..... the ride home. OMG! You can tell my body is NOT used to eating such rich foods anymore, everything was wanting to make a quick exit and I wasn't sure I'd make the 40 min drive home before I lost my dinner :sick: Everything managed to stay down, but man-alive my body is not happy with me today.

    Lesson learned (at least for now) - no more over-indulgences (at least not like that). :laugh:
  • mxburke
    mxburke Posts: 226 Member
    hey canucks, this week, not the best, only lost 0.2 lbs ( i weigh in on tuesdays) but im hoping to get back into gear and get going with this exercise and healthy eating, which started today i burned 901 calories doing some cardio at the gym today, definitely a huge accomplishment for me! anyways good luck everyone with your weigh ins tommorow
  • lailouisa
    lailouisa Posts: 11
    thank you so much you's hard because it's a month full of birthdays!! I will have to really start shaping up (literally). I have a trip to go to Vegas in October and I would love to look my best by then!! What are some exercises that you all enjoy doing? I find that I get bored really easily
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